Tools for Promoting Connection, Flourishing, and Psychological Safety in Student/Teacher Relationships

 On average, a K-12th grade student in the United States spends 7 hours a day in school. Whether consciously or not the adults in these environments do more than teach academics, they play a key role in helping students develop social, emotional, and behavioral proficiencies. Research has established that students who feel a connection with their teacher learn far better, show more empathy for others, have deeper curiosity, and contribute to the school community more than their disconnected peers. Knowing that the relationship between students and teachers is crucial to the development of these skills, we ask ourselves, what specific components of this relationship are essential to its success? While there is research to support the importance of this connection, we aim to develop a novel instrument that can be used to measure the different elements of connection and flourishing. This tool could be used in future studies to verify the quality of connection and measure changes. 

Berit Lubben

Berit Lubben (she/her) is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences and a minor in Health Care Ethic. She is originally from Geneva, Illinois, and plans to move to Washington D.C. after graduation to continue researching while applying to medical school. During her time at Saint Louis University, Berit researched across many disciplines, but developed a passion for translational medicine and public health. She also served as Co-Director for the SLU Kesem chapter, a Pre-Health Ambassador, General Chemistry SI, and Child Life Assistant at Saint Louis Children’s Hospital. In her free time, Berit enjoys camping, rock climbing, and DJing a KSLU radio show. 

Berit expresses immense gratitude towards Dr. Nancy Weaver for her unwavering support and invaluable mentorship. Despite Berit's lack of prior experience in public health research, Dr. Weaver readily assumed a guiding role, imparting her vast expertise and knowledge to foster Berit's personal and academic growth. Dr. Weaver's exceptional spirit and care for others is reflected in her work, and her dedication to mentorship is looked up to by many.