Suicide Assessment and Re-Assessment in the St. Louis Children’s Hospital (SLCH) Emergency Department (ED)

The issue we are hoping to improve is the compliance of RNs in the emergency department at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in documenting behavioral health assessments adequately and timely. Our goal in the SLCH ED is to have a compliance rate of >90% of suicide assessments and reassessments for admissions will be documented according to SLCH protocol by May 2023. Universal suicide assessment and documentation are extremely important. The 2022 National Patient Safety Goals includes identifying patient safety risks and “Reducing the risk for suicide”, Joint Commission, 2022. The practice provides timely identification and treatment for patients experiencing suicidal thoughts (Rufino et al., 2022). The current behavioral health guidelines for St. Louis Children’s Hospital is a 5-page document that describes procedures, precautions, initiatives, documentation, transition of care, and competency. If completed accurately, the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) can be a predictor of a suicide attempt in the psychiatric emergency environment (Gipson, et al., 2015). Timely assessment in the EHR allows members of the health care team to provide the resources necessary to keep the patient safe. During triage, all patients presenting to the ED over the age of 12 must have the C-SSRS completed. For behavioral health patients after triage, a psychosocial and daily shift assessment must be completed once per a shift. The Suicide Risk (Since Last Contact), a reassessment of the C-SSRS, must be performed every 12 hours after admission. Prior to the implementation of our project, we collected baseline data by reviewing charts of patients presenting to the SLCH ED for behavioral health reasons. The assessment we focused on was the Suicide Risk (Since Last Contact). According to our review, 68% of documentation was completed correctly according to the guidelines set by the SLCH ED. Our project was implemented in December 2022. We discussed research, regulatory guidelines and hospital protocol at a staff meeting in the ED. Following the staff meeting, we posted our informational handouts in several areas around the unit. After implementation, correct documentation–according to St. Louis Children’s Hospital policy –increased by 15.3%.

Grace Shares

Grace Shares is a senior from St. Charles, IL graduating this May with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing with a concentration in Interprofessional Practice. She plans to move back to the Chicagoland area and work as a Labor & Delivery or surgical nurse. She hopes to continue her education down the line, studying specifically to become a Certified Nurse Midwife!  

Katie Jorgensen

Katie (she/her/hers) is a nursing student from Newark, IL. She will be working at SSM Cardinal Glennon in the Neonatal ICU following graduation. She hopes to continue working in nursing research during her career.

Libby Van Den Brink

Libby Van Den Brink is from Cincinnati, OH and will be graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing with a concentration in Interprofessional Practice. She plans to become a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) nurse. Outside of school, she can be seen doing CrossFit, running, swimming, hiking, or anything else outdoors. She loves to travel and scuba dive around the world.