Energy Density of Tachyons and Gravitational Fields: A Study Using Schwarzschild Metric

This research examines the energy density of tachyons and gravitational fields using the Schwarzchild metric. The study calculates energy density, pressure, and number density for tachyons at various mu values, and energy density for Schwarzschild spacetime geometry. The results reveal that the tachyonic field dominates at larger mu values, and the difference in energy densities between the two fields is calcuated. The study also uses various forms of statistical analysis to test the difference between the two fields and finds that they are significantly different for larger invariant-mass values. This study provides valuable insight into these fields and highlights the effectiveness of the Schwarzschild spacetime geometry in understanding the large-scale structure of the universe, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the origin and fate of the universe itself.

Kade Johnson

Kade Johnson is from Johnston, Iowa and is currently pursuing a major in Engineering Physics and a minor in Engineering Mathematics. His post-graduate plans include pursuing a Ph.D. in astrophysics/physics, although he has not yet decided on a specific institution. Outside of his academic pursuits, he has also been a four year member of the Saint Louis University Swim and Dive team.