Speech Transcription and Tagging (Saltify)

The primary purpose of our project is to transcribe an audio sample into a written format that is accepted by SALT software. SALT software is an app that analyzes the speech of children and scores it according to their metrics. Currently, the manual process of transcribing an audio sample into this format is slow and expensive. Our program, which we call "Saltify," looks to greatly streamline this process. In terms of functionality, our program uses speech recognition to convert audio samples into text and utilizes algorithms to identify grammatical errors and morphemes that need to be tagged. As this project is part of SLU's "Open Source with SLU," the software is free and improvements will continue to be made by future students and other online contributors.

Jake Wahle

Jake is a senior majoring in Computer Science from South County. He is interested in working in software development after graduation. Jake enjoys traveling, making music, and learning French.

Drew Hediger

Drew is a senior Computer Science major from St. Louis. He will be graduating in the spring and plans to travel out of the country after graduation. After his travel plans, he will be staying in St. Louis for a full-time position with Accenture Federal.

Sean Gerty

Sean Gerty is a senior from Saint Louis, MO, studying Computer Science and will be graduating in May. After graduating, Sean plans to move to Los Angeles to pursue his career in music while also exploring the exciting world of IT in Southern California.