Evaluation of Low-Carb Banana Bread

Low-carb and ketogenic diets have become very popular in today’s society. Due to these upcoming trends, the usage of gluten-free flours, usually low in carbohydrates, and sugar substitutes have increased to meet the demand of our society. Specifically, there has been an increasing interest in natural sugar alternatives (i.e. Agave, Monk Fruit, Stevia, etc.) as opposed to the existing ones (i.e Splenda, Sweet’n low, Equal, etc.). Our experiment aimed to find a good low-carb alternative to classic banana bread to meet the demand of our society. We tested different ratios of almond flour and monk fruit sweetener in banana bread and evaluated the likeability of our low-carbohydrate product.  After conducting the experiment, we concluded that most people still liked the classic banana bread, however, no one was opposed to or disliked the low-carb versions of the banana bread. Although taste-testers were able to find a difference between the control and our lowest carbohydrate variation (Variation D), it was still well-received in terms of likeability and palatability based on our sensory evaluation cards. We were able to decrease the carbohydrate content from 385 grams (Control) to 127 grams (variation D) which was a 67% decrease; these numbers only account for the carbohydrates provided by the type of flour and sweetener used.  In conclusion, the lowest carbohydrate variation is a good alternative for those who are seeking to lower their carbohydrate intake for personal or health reasons such as diabetics.

Poster_ Low-Carb Banana Bread.2021 copy.pptx - Carolina Cifuentes Milla.pdf

Carolina Cifuentes Milla

Carolina Cifuentes Milla (she/her) is a graduating senior from Mexico completing the Didactic Program in Dietetics. She completed her Bachelor’s of Science in Public Health with a concentration in Health Promotion and Behavioral Science. After graduation, Carolina plans to complete the Dietetic Internship and Master’s Degree with a concentration in Medical Nutrition Therapy at SLU. She hopes to one day have her own private practice focusing on pediatric diabetes.

Pujita Gubbala

Pujita Gubbala (she/her) is a graduating senior completing the Nutrition and Dietetics program on the pre-medical track from Dallas, TX. After graduation, Pujita will be taking a gap year to work towards applying to the next cycle of medical/DO school admissions. She hopes to become a Dermatologist and have her own private practice in her hometown. Pujita loves to cook and bake, and her passion for baking is what inspired her’s and Carolina’s banana bread project.

Carolina and Pujita would like to thank their faculty sponsor, Whitney Linsenmeyer, for their support on this project and for being a mentor and guiding them through out the years at SLU.