Harm Reduction: Finding Power Through Compassionate Care

Harm reduction is any kind of method or action used to reduce harmful consequences while taking part in high risk activities. Historically, it is best known as an alternative approach to addressing substance abuse. The harm reduction model originated in Europe during the 1980s as a way to address both the drugs and AIDS crises, with the Dutch drug policy and the Merseyside Harm Reduction model. Harm reduction has not been implemented in U.S. drug policy to the same extent, because the United States has a historical tie to the prohibition model, leading to the War on Drugs. The US drug policy focuses on prohibition, enforcement, eradication, and interdiction. Many negative consequences have stemmed from the War on Drugs, which still impact the country to this day. The harm reduction model was introduced in the United States shortly after its beginnings in Europe, also to address the AIDS crisis, but faced excessive setbacks due to lack of funding and initiative. Now, services such as needle exchange programs are slowly beginning to increase in number in the United States. These programs have been proven to benefit drug users, as they promote safer drug use. Many of these programs are run by grass root organizations and activists. In order for the harm reduction model to continue to be implemented in the US, more federal funding and policy making must be done. In this project, I present the history of harm reduction, US drug policy, and the ways that harm reduction have been implemented within the US, as an argument for its continued implementation. 

capstone final draft - Tempest Malone

Tempest Malone

Tempest Malone is a graduating senior majoring in Women's & Gender Studies with a minor in Studio Art. She is from Kansas City, and plans to move back and work in community advocacy with a focus on utilizing harm reductive strategies. Tempest enjoys writing poetry, painting, and connecting with her community.

Tempest Malone would like to thank Dr. Ochoa for always supporting her and encouraging her to push further in whatever she does. Dr. Ochoa played a large role in the development of Tempest's capstone project, and continues to work with Tempest who helps as an assistant for Dr. Ochoa's research. Dr. Ochoa's research is absolutely needed and provides a nuanced examination of the state of gender equality today. Tempest admires Dr. Ochoa's dedication to living a feminist life, and hopes to follow a similar path.