I Thirst: Sharing the Mission of the Lord and Lover of Souls

From the moments of her conception, the Church has existed for the salvation of souls. This reality is a response to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Mt. 28:19-20). In today's world, a post-Christian world, the ever-relevant question strikes each of us in new ways: But how? This paper seeks to develop a more robust understanding of the Church's mission of evangelization by examining the model of Church as a hospital for sinners. Sources such as Pope Saint John Paul II, Pope Saint Paul VI, Saint Mother Teresa, Pope Francis, Dr. Sherry Weddell, and Msgr. James Shea assist in developing this view of an evangelization rooted in the life of the Church and steeped in prayer. The aim of this paper is a more universalized pastoral vision for evangelization rooted in regular conversion of mind and heart.

Sean Feltz

A native of St. Louis, Sean Feltz is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies and Catholic Studies and a minor in Philosophy. While still completing his time as a full-time student at SLU, he began working full-time for the Archdiocese of Saint Louis at St. Joseph Parish in Imperial, MO as the Youth Minister. He intends to continue his studies in the near future.

Brian Miller currently serves as the Archdiocesan Director of Evangelization & Discipleship for the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. He has been a friend and mentor, and his contributions were paramount in the early stages of research and development for this paper. His constancy in devotion to Jesus Christ and in zeal for the Church is an inspiration, and he never fails to provide guidance when needed. Brian understands deeply and adheres faithfully to the call to "make disciples of all nations." He is the kind of person the Church of today desperately needs.