Application of Reinforcement Learning and Neural Networks on Protein Structure Data

The three of us, Jacob, Jack, and Noah have spent the last two semesters creating a machine learning project. Using reinforcement learning algorithms, sarsa and qtable, and a neural network, we have been able to train a 2-D and 3-D maze solver. Randomized mazes with obstacles and random starts and endings with differing dimensions. We have gone up to 10x10x10 in terms of dimensions. Our program allows the training weights to be saved as well as a 3-D visualization of the program in real time!

Jacob Byerley

Jacob is majoring in data science and is interning at Bell Textron in their sustainment and analytics department this summer. His interest is in machine learning and neural networks. He plans to work full time in the aerospace industry after graduation.

Noah Sioson

Noah is a Senior at Saint Louis University working towards a Bachelors in Data Science and two minors in Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science. He is originally from northern Chicago and has always had an interest in technology and mathematics. After college he is going to be commissioning into the Air Force and going into training as a Cyber Operator. He looks forward to the next couple of years in service and continuing his development in his career and education as a whole!

Jack Zadell

Jack Zadell is a graduating senior from Vernon Hills, Illinois, and will be receiving his B.S. in Data Science. He is actively pursuing both Data Scientist & Data Analyst positions in the St. Louis area, and plans to continue bettering his technical skillset after graduation.

Professor Hou was very key in the groups success during their time in capstone. He oversaw their progress and gave feedback and his knowledge and expertise in all things machine learning came in clutch time after time.