Creating Verisimilitude

This project, "Creating Verisimilitude," is a video essay that explores how a diegesis, or a cinematic world, is created within the story of a film. There are a wide variety of movie genres out there, however many of them boast ideas and concepts that many would find ludicrous upon initial hearing. However, when watching these films, audiences become invested and buy into the world that they see on screen, sometimes even getting angry with a film when there is a perceived incongruence in the film. By examining films from the genres of realism, science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comedy, this project seeks to grasp the concept of "verisimilitude," or the appearance of truth/reality, and how it is created within these various genres.

Mark B_Creating Verisimilitude.mp4

Mark Burbridge

Mark Burbridge (he/him/his) is a graduating senior at Saint Louis University, with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, concentrated in Journalism and Media, and a Minor in Film Studies. Originally from Eureka, MO, Mark serves as an Arts & Life Editor for The University News, the President of the Psi Theta Honors Society, and a Student Consultant with INTO SLU. After graduation, Mark will be seeking to pursue a career in journalism or communications within the St. Louis area.