Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to participate in Youth Media Center programs?
All of our programs are free for fully-registered students.
Who is eligible to participate?
All teens in grades 6-12 are eligible to participate.
Where and when do your programs take place?
Our programs take place during Open Studio hours (3:00-6:00 Monday-Thursday, 10:00-2:00 Saturday) at our headquarters co-located in the Children’s Museum (10 Children’s Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15212.)
Can I come early? Can I stay late?
No, students are encouraged to arrive at or after the posted start time (see above) and depart at or before the posted end time. Staff are not responsible for students before or after program hours.
Do you provide transportation?
We offer bus passes to students who are interested in attending regularly. Contact the Youth Media Center Manager (jozef@slbradio.org) for more information.
What sorts of projects can I make?
You’ll begin by producing a piece reflecting on the power of your voice, a commentary on a topic you care about, a public service announcement, and a review. After completing those projects you’ll unlock additional options and greater independence.
How can I earn money as part of this program?
After attending some workshops, completing your first few projects and learning your way around the studio, you’ll be eligible to be paid stipends for participating in workshops and producing audio projects. Ask a staff educator when you think you’ve completed all of the necessary steps. These paid stipends are available to students at the Mixer and Youth Producer stages. Students who are accepted as interns receive their stipend on a separate schedule honoring their time commitment.
Can I use the editing bays to play online games?
No. We ask that the editing bays be used only for writing, research, and production work.
What do the acronyms I hear around the studio mean?
SLB: Saturday Light Brigade
The flagship radio program at the heart of what we do. The show began in the 1970s and airs live every Saturday morning.
YMC: Youth Media Center
Our physical space, a studio for teens interested in audio production and networking.
PYMC: Pittsburgh Youth Media Corps
A group of teen writer-producers. This group meets on Monday each week to produce new work. This is also a great place to learn more about how the Youth Media Center works.
YXL: Youth Express Live
A live streaming broadcast planned and hosted by young people. The show features talk segments, opportunities to advocate for issues you care deeply about, and local music.
NAS: Network attached server
This server contains the YMC drive where you’ll store all of your work.
DnD: Dungeons and Dragons
A weekly fantasy role-playing game.
Are our staff excited to work with you?
If you have additional questions, please reach out to Jozef Kukula (jozef@slbradio.org) for support.