ST KEVIN'S SCHOOL RULES Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful

Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Friends,

As hard as it is to believe, today we reach the half way mark of Term Two and it seems as if we have just returned from our first Term holidays. This week I have once again met with a number of families visiting St Kevin's inquiring about enrolments for 2020. Each of the families I have met have left with a positive view of our school and great things to say about the teachers, our children and the overall feel they get touring St Kevin's. In the coming weeks I would like to invite them as a group to meet with some of our current families to hear first hand what it is like to be part of the St Kevin's community.

Family Information Night - Reconciliation & Confirmation

A very big thank you to Ms Hunter for the excellent preparation and presentation of our parent information night for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Confirmation. Fr Leenus joined us to listen, discuss and reflect on what these sacraments mean for our children. Ms Hunter and Ms Papadopoulos will prepare the children in Year 3 and Year 6 in this important part of their faith journey.

National Simultaneous Story Time - Thank you Mrs Gonzales

Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. This year's book was Alpacas with Maracas written and illustrated by Matt Cosgrove.

By facilitating National Simultaneous Story-time, we aim to:

· promote the value of reading and literacy;

· promote the value and fun of books;

· promote an Australian writer and publisher;

· promote story-time activities in public libraries and communities around the country;

· provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion.

On Friday as part of this reading experience we will have our Mexican Theme day. All children will come to school dressed up and will take part in a whole school Mexican cooking experience.

Cross Country

Last Friday, students from Years 3-6 participated in the Holt District Cross Country. Everyone tried their best and put in 100%. We were very proud of the effort and sportsmanship shown by all our students.

Car Parking

Unfortunately, we still have parents using the turning circle for parking. The circle is only to be used in the morning as a drop off zone and is NOT to be used in the afternoon for parking. Thank you for your co-operation.


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Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues


St Kevin's Electronics Group

LED light up Bows

Tinkering away upstairs in our school library are a small group of very clever students led by Mrs Gonzales. Today I was lucky to be invited upstairs to see exactly what they are working on now.

Lunch Orders

Available Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Please label paper bag with child’s name and class, include money and these will be collected from the office.

Enrolments and School Tours

Every day is Open Day at St Kevin's.

Our Year 6 leaders are waiting to welcome you and take you for a tour of our school.

Our Principal, Mr Nigel Rodrigues, is available everyday and is happy to answer any questions you may have and explain all that St Kevin's has to offer.

We believe we have a very special community and invite you to come and see for yourself.

Call or email now to book a personalised school tour.

Ph: 95781182
