SJWMS Art & Photography Summer Show 2022

Welcome to the Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School Art and Photography Show 2022 website . . .

. . . and welcome back to a more normal year at The Math. The students have been flourishing within their practical and creative endeavours this year, with a sense of excitement and renewed enthusiasm. The trip to Tate Modern on the 9th February was most certainly a welcome return to normality for the sixth form students.

In conjunction with our real "live" Summer Show that took place during Foundation Day on the 2nd July 2022, we have created this supporting digital environment so that work can be revisited and enjoyed. Please feel free to browse the selection of the work that we have presented, including the 'Student Showcase' displaying the work of this year's prize winners for Art & Design. You can navigate to relevant sections such as A Level Fine Art, A Level Photography, GCSE Fine Art & GCSE Photography either using the drop down menu above or from the buttons on the home page.

Many thanks to the students who have contributed images of some of their outcome pieces to help put this website together.

We hope that you enjoy the work.

Mrs E Morton, Mr E Stewart & Mr A McGowan