St. Joseph's Institution (SJI) is celebrating its 170th Anniversary this year, and as part of the celebration, our school will be organising the 4th SJI Learning Festival. The Learning Festival (LF) shines the spotlight of professional development (PD) on our staff. It celebrates our teachers' endeavours in professional development, exploration and innovation in pedagogical approaches and teaching methodologies. Our aim for the Learning Festival is to encourage collaborative professionalism amongst our teachers and strengthen our passion as life-long learners.

The theme of this year’s Learning Festival is Connect. Collaborate. Transform.

Apart from the 16 concurrent sessions for participants to attend in person and learn from our presenters, there will also be an online Virtual Gallery with 10 pre-recorded presentations, showcasing teachers' pedagogical exploration and innovations from local and overseas schools.

We look for to your active participation in the SJI Learning Festival 2022.