Why can we only bring a Chromebook?

Teachers have planned the curriculum around the use of particular apps, which means that only iPads or Chromebooks would be suitable. It also makes technical support easier for teachers if the devices are the same.

Why can't you provide the devices?

It is very possible to purchase more devices for students - however it comes at a major cost. We would have to pass this cost on to families, putting further pressure on family budgets. This also allows for students to have their own personal devices that they are comfortable with. It also allows them to securely use their Google account on their device, without having to log in and off each time.

Won't they get broken / stolen?

Research shows us that students take care of devices better when they own them. There is always a risk to having anything - toys, iPad, etc - damaged, lost or stolen here at school or on their way to and from school. We would encourage families to make sure their contents insurance covers these instances. We will endeavour to make the area as secure as possible and to instil in the children the need to look after their own and other people's equipment.

Don't children already spend enough time in front of screens?

Of course, there needs to be a balance of using technology and the more traditional methods of communicating like physically writing and also talking to people face-to-face instead of only online. Learners will not be expected to do absolutely everything on their device. There will be plenty of time for off line activities during the day. Learners will not be able to take their device outside at recess or lunchtime or use it during inclement weather.

Will learners be able to access anything on their device?

All users of ICT tools are expected to follow the expectations as outlined in our Student ICT Usage Policy. Teachers will be expected to monitor Device use during learning time, just as they do when students are using any other ICT tool. The Google Workspace Profile limits the students to accessing the internet through our filtered service. Students are expected to use their Device as directed by a teacher. If they do not, consequences will apply.

What does the Chromebook Profile do?

Installing the profile allows the device to:

How do I find the Chromebook's serial number?

The serial number will be on a barcode sticker on the bottom of the device. If you are unable to find a sticker, reboot the Chromebook and wait for the Welcome screen to load. Press ALT + V and the serial number will appear in the top right corner of the screen.

I have another question

If you have further questions, please ask your child's home group teacher or email mpolh@sjhcn.catholic.edu.au