TRCS - Staff RDP

Attached to this page is a .RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) configuration file. If you have a Windows computer at home, simply save this file to your desktop and then double click it to connect to the school.

You may be prompted to make sure you trust the connection; please click Yes/Connect.

If you have trouble logging in using your school username and password, try putting "sjcschools\" in front of your username. For example, if my network username is jdoe, I would enter "sjcschools\jdoe" for the username (without the quotes).

Once logged in you should have access to Microsoft Office as well as your H drive allowing you to work on files in your H drive from home. When doing work from home, make sure you save files to your H drive so you can access them from your desk. If you save them to the desktop on the remote session you will not be able to access them from your desk.

Please keep in mind that how well this works will be dependent on your Internet connection. It will not work very well over dial-up and may have issues over cell phone connections or satellite connections. It should work fine on DSL or Cable connections.

*If you do not have a windows computer. Please use the following address for the connection.

With this address you will have to find an application to RDP compatible with Apple or a Chrome device.

Still use your school username and password; try putting "sjcschools\" in front of your username. For example, if my network username is jdoe, I would enter "sjcschools\jdoe" for the username (without the quotes).

Download the Staff RDP Here