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January 30 and 31, 2025 at   

   San Joaquin County Office of Education


Keynote:  Kevin Schaefer

Registrations are now open for the CAUDLeading the Way 2025 Summit!  January 30-31, 2025

Meet Kevin Schaefer

Kevin Schaefer is the Director of Inclusive Practices/Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) project through the El Dorado COE. In this role, Kevin works to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities through the provision of high-quality leadership and support to the CDE and LEAs throughout the California. Additionally, he provides organizational support by promoting continuous improvement processes and alignment of initiatives that focus on creating environments of belonging that honor the diversity of learners. His varied background as a special education teacher, administrator, and national/state technical assistance provider has led to expertise in the areas of systems change.


Virtual Presenter

Meet Beth Stark                        

Beth lives in Germany and partners with international schools as a consultant specialising in UDL implementation, building learner-centred systems of support, accessible technology integration, shifting mindsets, and igniting inclusive inquiry for all learners. Her passion for reducing barriers through Universal Design for Learning began in her early years as a teacher of students who are Blind and Visually Impaired. Beth has sixteen years of IB international school experience and holds a Master's Degree in Special Education. Beth serves as the Co-Chairperson of the

UDL-IRN Implementation Special Interest Group, is an ISTE certified educator, and a CPACC certified member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.

About us...

The CA UDLeading the Way Summit was a unique gathering for California educators, focusing on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Over 275 educators, presenters and volunteers joined us in an inclusive, accessible and equitable professional learning experience. Participants engaged in discussions, workshops, and presentations by experts, exploring the latest UDL strategies, evidence based concepts and technologies. The summit  provided opportunities to network and collaborate with fellow educational professionals in a first of its kind UDL event in California. We are back for CAUDLeading the Way - Inclusion-Access-Equity 2025!   Please click below to see highlights of Year 1.

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For more information contact:     

Noelle Mullen- Adimistrative Assistanct

nmullen@sjcoe.net                                                  209-817-8198