St Joseph's

Distance Learning

Never before in education has the school/family partnership been so vital. Our teachers are committed to providing the best learning experiences possible for the students and to support them through Distance Learning. Our school’s approach will evolve, and it will be different from other schools. Similarly, the approach taken by each family to support learning from will be different.

The first thing we kindly ask all of you, is not to stress or panic and to realise, you are not expected to be your child’s teacher during this crisis. Your presence, support, nurturing and care is all that is required. Please work with our teachers and know that we only want the best for every student and family at St Joseph’s.

Foundation - Year 2

Learning Platform: Foundation - Year 2

Our teachers will be posting information and home learning on the Seesaw Class app.

As part of distance learning, teachers will be encouraging families to post photos of their offline learning tasks on Seesaw Class. This is a way that we can maintain connectedness to school and your child’s teacher, as well as celebrate your efforts as a family.

The Junior teachers sent home information on how to connect to the Seesaw Class with your child at the end of the term. Please contact your child’s teacher if you were unable to do this.

Years 3 to 6

Learning Platform: Years 3-6

With a well established learning management system in Google Classroom, the 3-6 students will be continuing to use this platform for the completion and sharing of daily learning activities. While your child may be confident and competent with the use of Google Classroom, we encourage you to engage with the learning wherever possible, and ask that your child shares with you their Google login details so you can keep up to speed with what the teachers have set.

Google Classroom will provide the structure for the students as well as any instruction and immersion for online and offline activities.

Face to Face

From F-6, Google Hangouts Meet will be the platform with which the class teachers will have face-to-face contact with their classes. As the term goes on, this will no doubt evolve, but for now, it will be simply a way for the teachers to check-in with their class, and explain the daily activities and get and provide feedback on the previous day’s learning. In our first two weeks, we will have an emphasis on establishing good digital citizenship, online etiquette and protocols.

Foundation-Year 2 will have their Check-ins staggered through the week as we are conscious of management of home devices. Details on how to get Google Hangouts Meet on mobile devices can be found here. These hangouts will occur in the morning for years F-6 and again in the afternoon for years 3-6 with specifics detailed in the timetables published by each year level.

Distance Learning at St Joseph's