Welcome to my website!

I am an assistant professor (Maître de conférences HDR) at the University of Lyon 2 (Lumière) and GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien). I have obtained my PhD at the Paris School of Economics in June 2013. My full CV can be found here.

Email: zylbersztejn [at] gmail [dot] com / zylbersztejn [at] gate [dot] cnrs [dot] fr

Professional address: 

GATE-LSE (Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Etienne)

35 rue Raulin

69007 Lyon, France


I am a behavioral economist using experimental methods to study individual and interactive decision processes.

Peer-reviewed publications

In English:

Zylbersztejn A., Babutsidze Z., Hanaki N., Hopfensitz A., 2024. "How beautiful people see the world: Cooperativeness judgments of and by beautiful people," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 218, pages 296-308. [paper]

Cornand C., Erazo M. A., Zylbersztejn A., 2023. "Trading and Cognition in Asset Markets: An Eye-tracking Experiment", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 216, pages 711-732. [paper] 

Bruttel L., Bulutay M., Cornand C., Heinemann F., Zylbersztejn A., 2023. "Measuring strategic-uncertainty attitudes", Experimental Economics, vol. 26, pages 522-549. [paper; WP]

Kpegli Y., Corgnet B., Zylbersztejn A., 2023. "All at Once! A Comprehensive and Tractable Semi-Parametric Method to Elicit Prospect Theory Components", Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol. 104, article 102790. [paper; WP]

Bulutay M., Cornand C., Zylbersztejn A., 2022. "Learning to deal with repeated shocks under strategic complementarity", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 200,  pages 1318-1343. [paper]

Zylbersztejn A., Babutsidze Z., Hanaki N., 2021. "Predicting trustworthiness across cultures: An experiment", Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, Article 727550. [paper

Babutsidze Z., Hanaki N., Zylbersztejn A., 2021. "Nonverbal content and trust: An experiment on digital communication", Economic Inquiry, vol. 59(4), pages 1517-1532. [paper

Théroude V., Zylbersztejn A., 2020. "Cooperation in a risky world", Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 22(2), pages 388-407. [paper]

Press coverage: CORTEX Mag.

Zylbersztejn A., Babutsidze Z., Hanaki N., 2020. "Preferences for observable information in a strategic setting: An experiment", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 170, pages 268-285. [paper]

Bracht J., Zylbersztejn A., 2018. "Moral Judgments, Gender, and Antisocial Preferences: An Experimental Study", Theory and Decision, vol. 85(3), pages 389-406. [paper]

Jacquemet N., Luchini S., Shogren J.F., Zylbersztejn A., 2018. "Coordination with Communication under Oath", Experimental Economics, vol. 21(3), pages 627–649. [paper]

Press coverage: Le Monde, La Tribune.

Boulu-Reshef B., Brott S. H., and Zylbersztejn A., 2017. "Does Uncertainty Deter Provision of Public Goods?", Révue Economique, vol. 68(5), pages 785-791. [paper]

Hanaki N., Jacquemet N., Luchini S., Zylbersztejn A., 2016. "Fluid Intelligence and Cognitive Reflection in a Strategic Environment: Evidence from Dominance-Solvable Games", Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 8, Article 1188. [paper]

Hanaki N., Jacquemet N., Luchini S., Zylbersztejn A., 2016. "Cognitive ability and the effect of strategic uncertainty", Theory and Decision, vol. 81(1), pages 101-121. [paper]

Press coverage: CORTEX Mag.

Zylbersztejn A., 2015. "Nonverbal Feedback, Strategic Signaling, and Nonmonetary Sanctioning: New Experimental Evidence from a Public Goods Game", in Cary A. Deck , Enrique Fatas , Tanya Rosenblat (ed.), Replication in Experimental Economics (Research in Experimental Economics, Volume 18), pages 153-181. [paper]

Coverage: a comprehensive review of the volume by Andreas Ortmann in the Journal of Economic Psychology.

Jacquemet N., Zylbersztejn A., 2014. "What drives failure to maximize payoffs in the lab? A test of the inequality aversion hypothesis", Review of Economic Design, vol. 18(4), pages 243-264. [paper]

Jacquemet N., Zylbersztejn A., 2013. "Learning, Words and Actions: Experimental Evidence on Coordination-Improving Information", The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, vol. 13(1), pages 215-247. [paper]

In French:

Loheac Y., Alia H., Bazart C., Ali Bchir M.,  Blondel S., Bonescu M., Bornier A., Brouard J., Chappe N., Cochard F., Flage A., Galeotti F.,  Hollandts X., Hopfensitz A., Jacquemet  N., Le Lec F., Lefebvre M., Leplat M., Mantilla C., Mateu G., Péron G., Peterle E.,  Petit E., Raiber E., Rosaz J., Rozan A., Tisserand J-C., Villeval M-C, Willinger M.,  Zylbersztejn A., Sutan A., 2017. "Mise en place d'une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie," Révue Economique, vol. 68(5), pages 627-649. [paper]

Ongoing work

Corgnet B., Hernan-Gonzalez R., Kpegli Y. T., Zylbersztejn A., 2023. "Against the Odds! The Tradeoff Between Risk and  Incentives is Alive and Well" [GATE WP 2305]

Cornand C., Erazo M. A., Rey-Fournier B., Zylbersztejn A., 2023. "On the robustness of higher order attitudes to ambiguity framing" [GATE WP 2318]

Jacquemet N., Luchini S., Shogren J.F., Zylbersztejn A., 2023. "Commitment to the truth creates trust in market exchange: Experimental evidence". [GATE WP 2311, R&R]

Zylbersztejn A., Babutsidze Z., Hanaki N., Roul M.-S., 2024. "Anonymity, nonverbal communication and prosociality in digitized interactions: An experiment on charitable giving," [GATE WP 2402, R&R]