
Zsófia Gyarmathy

About me

Latest updates

  • June 2019 - An analysis of party results in the 2019 Hungarian European Parliament election (in Hungarian).

  • March 2019 - Analysis of cognitive profile test data: link to anonymised analyses to come.

  • Nov 2018 - german-stats, a collection of small projects for modelling features of German nouns and adjectives using data and scripts from the de-wiktionary-parser project on the one hand, and statistical and machine learning tools on the other.

  • Sep 2018 - horosocial, a brief exploratory analysis using Google Trends to check for a possible correlation between interest in horoscopes and a country's post-socialist status.

  • June 2018 - de-wiktionary-parser, a joint project with Károly Varasdi released: generated dictionaries + a Python library for parsing a German Wiktionary dump and extracting grammatical and translation information on German nouns and adjectives.