E: zlk2[]le.ac.uk

My research looks at issues related to migration and labour market outcomes. This includes the impact of migration on the labour market of the host and origin countries; the integration of migrants in the host’s labour market; what drives or impedes internal and international migration, as well as the efficacy of visa policies in achieving their objectives.


PhD Economics, University of Nottingham

MSc Econometrics & Mathematical Economics, London School of Economics (LSE)   

Recent publications

Self-employment and reason for migration: are those who migrate for asylum different from other migrants?.  2021.  Small Business Economics. (with I. Ruiz and C. Vargas-Silva) 

Labour market effects of demographic shifts and migration in OECD countries. 2019.  European Economic Review. (with F. Docquier, A. Mattoo and C. Ozden)

Internal borders and migration in India. 2018. Journal of Economic Geography. (with Y. Liu, A. Mattoo, C. Ozden and S. Sharma)

Intergenerational assimilation of UK immigrants in the labour market: a minor assumption with enormous implications for inference. 2018. Economics Letters

Academic Citizenship Roles

Member of the RES Conference Committee

Chair of the School of Business Black Excellence Group      

"Nous ne sommes venus au monde que pour nous connaître. La terre ne nous est donnée que pour un temps. Vivons donc en paix, vivons ensemble." Carlos Fluentes, as quoted by Jacques Chirac.
"On a essayé de traverser les murs afin de rapprocher les gens."  Entourage, 9th song in NGRTD, by Youssoupha