Environmental Friendly Nanomaterials Lab.

At our cutting-edge laboratory, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of scientific innovation by seamlessly integrating the realms of nanotechnology (NT) and environmental technology (ET). Our overarching mission revolves around the development of environmentally friendly nanomaterials and the creation of novel nanoscale systems that contribute to sustainable solutions. 

To realize this ambitious vision, our research endeavors concentrate on the synergistic fusion of NT and ET principles, leveraging the profound insights and methodologies from diverse disciplines such as chemical engineering, materials science, chemistry, molecular biology, and solid-state physics. This interdisciplinary approach serves as the cornerstone for pioneering advancements in plasmonic nanoparticles, molecular-level detection, nano/bio-sensors, photothermal evaporation, and the fabrication of inorganic/organic hybrid nanoporous materials. 

The crux of our work lies in the seamless integration of knowledge and techniques from various scientific domains. By fostering collaboration and cross-disciplinary synergy, we aim to unlock new dimensions in the design and application of nanomaterials for environmental benefit.