紫微斗數 Authentic Purple Emperor Astrology

三方四正, 四化飛星, 紫微斗數, 趨吉避凶.

Maximize the opportunities and minimize negative trends.

We provide Authentic Purple Emperor Astrology reading service.

>>紫微斗數 (中文) 2019 是己亥年, 武曲化祿, 文曲化忌, 對你是吉是凶呢? What does 2019 mean to you?

Zi Wei Dou Shu (Purple Emperor) Chinese astrology has 2,000 years of history. It's the mainstream approach of Chinese astrology. It provides information of one's fortune and fate in twelve categories, such as destiny, wealth, career, health, parents, children, friends, and love...

For example:

  • What would be the trend of my financial situation in my life time? Are there changes in the current 10 years, and 2015?

  • Would I be able to accumulate enough wealth when I retire?

  • What's a suitable career or profession for me?

  • How is my work situation like in this year? Will I get promoted? Should I change job?

  • My work has been going well for five years, will this trend continue?

  • Should I expand my business in this year? Should I take on new business opportunities, or should I minimize risks?

  • How does my current 10 year fortune look?

  • When will I meet Mr./Ms. Right, and make the commitment?

  • What are my kid's personal character traits? How do I assist him/her to build her characters to become successful in his/her life?

Zi Wei Dou Shu has 100 stars spread in 12 palaces, and they change and rotate with time. There is life-long trend, current 10 years cycle trend, and current year shift.

When after you learn about your full strength and weakness, what you are suitable to do, and your life-long trend, you can strive to maximize what are on the path of life for you.

Please email us for getting more detail. It's well worth it, and this may change your life. See >>Contact Us.

I offer authentic Zi Wei Dou Shu reading services. I have clients from all over the world, from different professions, and different ethnic backgrounds and culture. Please do not hesitate contacting me because you're not the only one who is curious about what Zi Wei Dou Shu reading can do for you.

I also cross reference Ba Zi (the other main approach of Chinese astrology) for career analysis, wealth, and for love match compatibility.

Vast majority of people in the West thought the animal signs represent Chinese astrology. This is incorrect. Don't be mislead!!

For return customers, please contact me for a reading of 2015 to see what's in this year for you. Also for return customers, if you refer three new customers, as a token of our appreciation, your 2015 reading is free of charge.



I now know my daughters better, and hopefully guide them towards smoother and happier lives.


I took your advice wholeheartedly. Then I found a job advertised by a renewable energy company. I applied to the job. Surprisingly, I achieved the job offer within a week after sending my job application. That's only happened less than a week after receiving your readings. I am really amazed by your accuracy.


For the years that show dangers and negativity for my husband, I will advise him to cut back on his activities on extreme sports.


It is very insightful and it's always great to see that different metaphysical systems bring the same conclusions.


It's great to know the secret chemistry code between me and my kids.


Thanks for the readings. Our family is now equipped with the knowledge to make plans for next year's challenges.


Thank you so much for recalibrating my birth info. The readings provide amazing accuracy.


Without flying stars readings I would not have realized why I have had a leakage in my wealth area.


Key words: Chinese astrology, Chinese horoscope, San Jose Chinese horoscope, Chinese fortune telling, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Purple Emperor, Bay Area Chinese Astrology, Bay Area Zi Wei Dou Shu Reading, San Jose Astrology, South Bay Astrology, Chinese zodiac, San Jose Chinese Zodiac, Authentic Zi Wei Dou Shu