
Homework 1

Due 01/25/2017

Section 1.1: 2 (a), (b), 3 (a), (c), 4

Section 1.2: 2, 5, 8.


Homework 2

Due 02/01/2017

Section 1.3: 1(a), the plot_sint (you also need plot_even.m, sin_tay.m,sint_tay.m)code is provided in the website of the class, please try to modify it and plot n=2,4,6,8 for [0,b], where b=1,2,3,4. You can put approximations on the same range [0,b] but with different approximation degree in the same figure. Then print out the 4 figures.

Section 2.2: 1 (a), (d), 5 (b), (c), (d), 6 (c), (f), 9. (b). For problem 5, 6, you can look at Page 49 in the textbook for the reference


Homework 3

Due 02/08/2017

If the problem ask you to solve the root, please use the matlab to solve it. I provide the codes as follows, please read them and modify them:


Section 2.3: 7, 11.

Section 3.1: 1 (a), (b), (e), 2, 11.


Homework 4

Due 02/15/2017

Section 3.2: 2 (a), (b), (e), 3, 4.

Section 3.3: 5 (you modify the following matlab scripts to solve the problems, newton.m and secant.m)


Homework 5

Due 02/22/2017

Section 3.4: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11


Homework 6

Due 03/01/2017

Section 4.1: 1, 4, 7, 8, 15, 16, 25


Homework 7

Due 03/08/2017

Section 4.2: 8,11, you might use the matlab codes: divdif.m, interp.m


Homework 8

Due 03/22/2017

Section 4.3: 1(c), 5(i), 6, 8,10, 11

Section 4.4: 2, 7 (a).

Section 4.5: 4, 5, 6, 8

Section 4.6: 2.

Section 4.7: 2, 4


Homework 9

Due 03/31/2017

Section 5.1: 2 (a),3 (a), 8, 11 (a), (b), (c).


Homework 10

Due 04/07/2017

Section 5.2: 1, 5 (c), (d), 13, 16 (a).

Section 5.3: 9, 10.


Homework 11

Due 04/12/2017

Section 5.4: 1, 2,

Section 6.1: 1 (a),(b)


Homework 12

Due 04/19/2017

For 6.3.2 and 6.3.3, you might need the matlab code GEpivot.m

Section 6.2: 1, 6, 7, 14.

Section 6.3: 2, 3, 6 (b).


Homework 13

Due 04/26/2017

Section 6.4: 2, 6, 9.

Section 6.5: 4, 5.


Homework 14

Due 05/01/2017

you might need the matlab codes: Jacobi.m and GS.m

Section 6.6: 1, 3, 5.

Section 7.1: 1, 5, 10. For 7.1, you can use the matlab built-in function "polyfit", please refer to the example in P330 of the textbook.