张佳维 (Zhang Jiawei)


Zhang Jiawei currently works for SenseTime Research. He has obtained a PhD degree from CS of City University of Hong Kong in 2018, a master degree from Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS) in 2014 and a bachelor degree from EEIS of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2011. He has visited UCLA and UC Merced in 2013 and 2017 respectively. He also has an internship in SenseTime Research in 2017 and Jingchi Corp in 2018.

Current research topics

Low-level vision by deep learning

Publications [full list]

Projects and Data set

3D Hand Pose Tracking and Estimation Using a Stereo Camera. ICIP 2017.  Download from [onedrive]  [dropbox] or [baidu pan](code: 1234) and [github]

Learning Fully Convolutional Networks for Iterative Non-blind Deconvolution. CVPR 2017. [paper] and [testing code]/[training and testing code]

Dynamic Scene Deblurring using Spatially Variant Recurrent Neural Networks. CVPR 2018. [paper]and [code]

Deep Dynamic Scene Deblurring from Optical Flow. TCSVT. [paper], [arxiv]  and [code]