Welcome to Xin Zhang's personal website. I am a Research Advisor at Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden). All views and opinions expressed on this website do not reflect the official views of the BIS or Sveriges Riksbank.

Together with R. Correa, J. Fernández-Villaverde, S. Hansen, and J. Marcucci, I'm organizing a webinar series (AMLEDS) on applied machine learning and data science for economists. If you are interested, please visit our website for updated information: https://sites.google.com/view/amleds/home.

Research Interests:

Financial Econometrics, Credit Risk Modeling, Financial Economics, FinTech, Asset Pricing.



Ph.D. in Finance, VU University Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute.

M.Phil. in Econometrics and Finance, University van Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute.

B.A. in Economics & B.Sc. in Statistics, Peking University, China.