My name is Yves MEINARD. I am a CNRS researcher in environmental decision analysis. I am a member of the Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (UMR 7304, Aix-Marseille University, 13621 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France)

Biological invasions, Associate Editor

BIOM, Editorial Committee

Botanique, Editorial Committee

What is environmental decision analysis?

Environmental decision analysis is a research domain devoted to analyse how decisions (mostly collective ones) are made on environmental issues at various levels, from concrete management actions in the field to political decisions at national or international scales on environmental strategies or legislations. It is an action-oriented endeavour, since it does not conceive of analysing decisions as an end in itself, but rather as a means to improve decision-making by supporting it. Environmental decision analysis tackles problems as they arise in real life, and uses for that purpose all the relevant theoretical and practical resources. It is therefore highly interdisciplinary: beyond decision analysis, it involves insights from ecology, geology, economics, geography, philosophy…


My research activities and interests

I am involved in numerous aspects of environmental decision analysis, and I would say I am interested in almost the entire field! But even in such a highly interdisciplinary field, one has to have one’s specialities of sorts. As a biologist, I am mostly specialized in botany and plant ecology, with an important field expertise in habitat conservation status assessment. Geomorphology also plays an important role in the landscape-scale approaches to ecological functioning that I aim to develop. My other speciality is political and economic philosophy, with a main focus on environmental economic methods conceived as tools to support environmental decision-making. This part of my work involves a rather large number of subfields of philosophy (analytic philosophy of language and action, hermeneutic philosophy, political philosophy mainly in Rawlsian and Habermasian approaches) and economics (environmental valuation methods, welfare economics, social choice theory, contract theory, Ostromian approaches to institutional economics).



My publications are just as diverse as my disciplinary interest…



Before integrating the CNRS, with three other consultants I founded and co-directed a consultancy in integrated environmental management : GERECO ( This gave me ample opportunities to work in the field and acquire an informed understanding of the real-life problems that environmental decision-makers face. I know have very active collaborations with GERECO.

Natural areas and watershed management schemes

Biodiversity and conservation policy

Regional conservation strategy


Education and training