I am currently a Research Scientist in Machine Learning for Business Integrity on Ads, Marketplace, Pages at Facebook.
Previously, I worked at Yahoo! Labs / Yahoo! Research on recommender systems and information retrieval, including (past) projects:
Large Scale User Profiling
Contribution: Implement end-to-end user profile pipeline for Yahoo! Homepage
Impact: +1% lift in the major online metric of Yahoo! Homepage
Related Publication: KDD '15
Large Scale Factorization Models
Large Scale Context-aware Recommendation
Contribution: Implement contextual mobile app recommendation for Yahoo! Aviate
Impact: +100% lift in the major online metric of the product
Social Recommendation
Contribution: Implement user cold-start topic recommendation for Yahoo! Tumblr
Impact: +5% lift in several online metrics of Tumblr
Related Publication: The Apps You Use Bring The Blogs to Follow
Vertical Search and Ranking
Contribution: Built models for Card triggering and In-card Module ranking
Impact: +2% lift in major online metrics for News Card triggering,+5% lift for Movie Card Module ranking
Related Publication: Learning Optimal Card Ranking from Query Reformulation
Video Recommendation
Contribution: Implement personalized model of Playlist recommendation in Yahoo! Video Player
Impact: +20% lift in key online metrics for Player
I received my PhD degree from Delft University of Technology in 2013, under the supervision of Prof. Alan Hanjalic, Dr. Martha Larson, and Prof. Inald Lagendijk. My PhD research is on Recommender Systems, and my thesis "Ranking and Context-awareness in Recommender Systems" is here.
I obtained my BSc degree and MSc degree from Southeast University, China, in 2006 and 2008, respectively.
My research interest includes recommender systems, information retrieval and data mining.
Latest News
Invited Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems
PC member in WSDM 2022, SIGIR 2022, KDD 2022
Survey article "Collaborative filtering beyond the user-item matrix: A survey of the state of the art and future challenges" 9000+ Downloads in ACM Computing Surveys, vol.47,no.1.
"Learning to Rank for Recommender Systems" Tutorial together with Alexandros Karatzoglou and Linas Bultrunas presented in ACM RecSys 2013
Best Paper Award, together with Alexandros Karatzoglou, Linas Bultrunas, Martha Larson, Nuria Oliver and Alan Hanjalic in ACM RecSys 2012
Overall Winner Award, together with Martha Larson and Alan Hanjalic in ACM RecSys 2010 Challenge on Context-aware Movie Recommendation (CAMRa 2010)
6th out of 62 teams, together with Martha Larson and Alan Hanjalic in ECML/PKDD 2011 Discovery Challenge on VideoLecture.Net Cold Start Recommendation (ECML/PKDD 2011 Challenge)
Best Poster Nominee, together with Martha Larson and Alan Hanjalic in 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011)