Applied Micro Reading Group

2020 Winter (2020. 1. 8. Wednesday) 10:30am - 4pm (대우관 별관 206호)

Participants: Total 11 students (3 Ph.D. students, 6 Masters, 1 Undergraduate) + 7 professors

Students: 송영우, 조성하, 강보미, 고정원, 박진석, 신재연, 김안나, 하슬아, 김용미, 곽민지, 정혜윤

Professors: 김상현, 김세민, 양희승, 윤세미, 한유진 (Yonsei U), 안소윤 (UI Chigago), 최혜린 (Soongsil U)

  • Youngwoo Song (송영우): Bruhn, Miriam, and David McKenzie. "In pursuit of balance: Randomization in practice in development field experiments." American economic journal: applied economics 1, no. 4 (2009): 200-232.
  • Sungha Cho (조성하): Bianchi, Nicola, and Michela Giorcelli. Scientific education and innovation: from technical diplomas to university STEM degrees. No. w25928. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019. (forthcoming at JEEA)
  • Bomi Kang (강보미): Dhar, D., Jain, T. and Jayachandran, S., 2018. Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India (No. w25331). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Jungwon Ko (고정원): Del Carpio, L., & Guadalupe, M. (2018). More Women in Tech? Evidence from a Field Experiment Addressing Social Identity.
  • Jinseok Park (박진석): Bandiera, O., Buehren, N., Burgess, R., Goldstein, M., Gulesci, S., Rasul, I., & Sulaiman, M. (2019). Women’s empowerment in action: evidence from a randomized control trial in Africa. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, forthcoming.
  • Jaeyeon Shin (신재연): Arcidiacono, Peter, Esteban M. Aucejo, and V. Joseph Hotz. "University differences in the graduation of minorities in STEM fields: Evidence from California." American Economic Review 106, no. 3 (2016): 525-62.

2019 Winter (2019. 2. 1. Friday)

Participants: Total 20 students (4 Ph.D. students, 11 Masters, 5 Undergrads) including 6 presenters + 4 professors

Students:정혜윤 박가영 이재연 윤소혜 신재연 임상규 송도영 허가윤 정재훈 권성욱 강민지 김용미 Nathan Cho 김안나 이지형 김유식 박경기 강보미 이근철 곽민지

Professors: 김상현, 김세민, 이경우, 한유진

  • Jaeyoun Shin (신재연): Alsan, M., Garrick, O. and Graziani, G.C., 2018. Does diversity matter for health? Experimental evidence from Oakland (No. w24787). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Nathan Cho: Amanda Agan, Sonja Starr. 2018. "Ban the Box, Criminal Records, and Racial Discrimination: A Field Experiment." Quarterly Journal of Economics 133(1): 191–235.
  • Yongmin Kim (김용미): Field, Erica, et al. "Friendship at work: Can peer effects catalyze female entrepreneurship?." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8.2 (2016): 125-53.
  • Bomi Kang (강보미): Marianne Bertrand, Emir Kamenica, Jessica Pan. 2015. "Gender Identity and Relative Income within Households." Quarterly Journal of Economics 130(2): 571–614.
  • Sohye Yoon (윤소혜): Alatas, Vivi, Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Rema Hanna, and Benjamin A. Olken. "Network structure and the aggregation of information: Theory and evidence from Indonesia." American Economic Review 106, no. 7 (2016): 1663-1704.
  • Anna Kim (김안나): Cortés, Patricia, and José Tessada. 2011. "Low-Skilled Immigration and the Labor Supply of Highly Skilled Women." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3(3): 88-123.

2018 Summer (Mondays in 7/16-8/13, 10am-12pm)

Participants: Total 20 students (including 12 presenters) + 4 professors

Students (학부 3, 석사 14, 박사 3명): 정혜윤 박가영 이재연 곽민지 고정원 박경기 남상윤 윤소혜 하슬아 박지인 홍미호 신재연 허가윤 강보미 조경민 LI Meng-Karen 손혁 안현지 유현승 이근철

Professors: 한유진 (담당 교수, 연세대 경제학부), 양희승 (KDI 국제정책대학원), 윤세미 (연세대 지속개발협력), 안소윤 (Univ of Illinois, Chicago)

  • 이재연: Nicoletti, Cheti, Kjell G. Salvanes, and Emma Tominey. 2018. "The Family Peer Effect on Mothers' Labor Supply." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10 (3): 206-34.
  • 하슬아: Wiswall, Matthew, and Basit Zafar. "Preference for the workplace, investment in human capital, and gender." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 133, no. 1 (2017): 457-507.
  • 박가영: Card, David, Carlos Dobkin, and Nicole Maestas. "Does Medicare save lives?." The quarterly journal of economics124, no. 2 (2009): 597-636
  • 남상윤: Cesarini, D., Lindqvist, E. Ostling, R.,and Wallace, B. "Wealth, health, and child development: Evidence from administrative data on Swedish lottery players." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 131.2 (2016): 687-738.
  • 홍미호: Dupas, Pascaline. "Short‐run subsidies and long‐run adoption of new health products: Evidence from a field experiment." Econometrica 82, no. 1 (2014): 197-228.
  • 신재연: Gong, Jie, Yi Lu, and Hong Song. "The Effect of Teacher Gender on Students’ Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes." Journal of Labor Economics 36.3 (2018): 743-778.
  • 고정원: Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, and Asim Ijaz Khwaja. 2017. "Report Cards: The Impact of Providing School and Child Test Scores on Educational Markets." American Economic Review, 107 (6): 1535-63.
  • 윤소혜: Caitlin Carroll, Michael Chernew, A.Mark Fendrick, Joe Thompson, Sherri Rose. "Effects of episode-based payment on health care spending and utilization: Evidence from perinatal care in Arkansas." Journal of Health Economics 61 (2018): 47-62
  • 박경기: Hoynes, Hilary, Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, and Douglas Almond. "Long-run impacts of childhood access to the safety net." American Economic Review 106, no. 4 (2016): 903-34.
  • 박지인: Grönqvist, Erik, Björn Öckert, and Jonas Vlachos. "The intergenerational transmission of cognitive and non-cognitive abilities." Journal of Human Resources (2016): 0115-6882R1.
  • 정혜윤: Aizer, Anna, Shari Eli, Joseph Ferrie, and Adriana Lleras-Muney. "The Long-Run Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families." American Economic Review 106, no.4 (2016): 935–971.
  • 곽민지: Deserranno, Erika. "Financial Incentives as Signals: Experimental Evidence from the Recruitment of Village Promoters in Uganda." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

2018 Winter (Fridays in 1/5-2/9, 10:30am-12pm)

Participants (Total 11 students) + several professors at varying dates

  • 정혜윤: Dynarski, Susan M. "Does aid matter? Measuring the effect of student aid on college attendance and completion." The American Economic Review 93, no. 1 (2003): 279-288.
  • 이승헌: Chay, Kenneth Y., Patrick J. McEwan, and Miguel Urquiola. "The Central Role of Noise in Evaluating Interventions That Use Test Scores to Rank Schools." The American Economic Review 95, no. 4 (2005): 1237-1258
  • 이종수: Angrist, Joshua. "How Do Sex Ratios Affect Marriage and Labor Markets? Evidence from America's Second Generation." Quarterly Journal of Economics 117, no. 3 (2002): 997-301.
  • 신혜원: Abdulkadiroglu, Atila, Parag A. Pathak, and Christopher R. Walters. "Free to Choose: Can School Choice Reduce Student Achievement?" American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (forthcoming)
  • 박진석: Farber, Henry S. "Is tomorrow another day? The labor supply of New York City cabdrivers." Journal of Political Economy 113, no. 1 (2005): 46-82.
  • 조문주: Heckman, James, Rodrigo Pinto, and Peter Savelyev. "Understanding the mechanisms through which an influential early childhood program boosted adult outcomes." The American economic review 103, no. 6 (2013): 2052-2086.
  • 박가영: Einav, Liran, Amy Finkelstein, and Maria Polyakova. "Private provision of social insurance: drug-specific price elasticities and cost sharing in Medicare Part D." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. (forthcoming)
  • 임승필: Qian, Nancy. "Missing Women and the Price of Tea in China: The Effect of Sex-Specific Income on Sex Imbalance." Quarterly Journal of Economics 123, no. 3 (2008): 1251-1285.
  • 이재연: Jacob, Brian A., and Lars Lefgren. "Remedial education and student achievement: A regression-discontinuity analysis." The review of Economics and Statistics 86, no. 1 (2004): 226-244.
  • 장원영: Castex, Gonzalo, and Evgenia Kogan Dechter. "The changing roles of education and ability in wage determination." Journal of Labor Economics 32, no. 4 (2014): 685-710.
  • 안병욱: Cox, Donald, Bruce E. Hansen, and Emmanuel Jimenez. "How responsive are private transfers to income? Evidence from a laissez-faire economy." Journal of Public Economics 88.9-10 (2004): 2193-2219.