Yong Wei's Homepage

Yong Wei (韦勇)

School of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Science and Technology of China,

Hefei,  230026,  P.R. China.

Email: yongwei at ustc.edu.cn

My personal page in USTC 

Research interests

 Differential Geometry and  Geometric Analysis.  My recent projects include Geometric curvature flows of hypersurfaces, and geometric flows in G2 geometry.  




Selected papers 

See MathSciNet for a full list of publications, and arXiv for preprints. 


 Ben Andrews (ANU), Ezequiel Barbosa (UFMG), Xuzhong Chen (Hunan Univ.), Guangyue Huang (Henan Normal Univ.), Xiaoli Han (Tsinghua), Yingxiang Hu (Beihang Univ.), Kwok-Kun Kwong (Univ. of Wollongong),  Haizhong Li (Tsinghua), Jason D. Lotay (Oxford),  Ben Sharp (University of Leeds), Xianfeng Wang (Nankai), Glen Wheeler and Valentina-Mira Wheeler (Univ. of Wollongong),   Changwei Xiong (Sichuan Univ.), Bo Yang (CAS), Tailong Zhou (USTC)

Teaching (in USTC)


Google Scholar profile