Wong, Yongkang 黄永康 

BEng, PhD

Assistant Director (Operation)

NUS Artifitial Intelligence Institute (NAII)

Assistant Director / Senior Research Fellow

NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies (N-CRiPT)

School of Computing

National University of Singapore (NUS)

Address:   COM3 Building


Email:        yongkang döt wong ät nus döt edu döt sg

                yongkang döt wong ät ieee döt org

I am a senior research fellow at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore, and the Assistant Director (Operation) of the NUS Artifitial Intelligence Institute (NAII) and NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies (N-CRiPT). I am also a member of the IEEE and ACM. 

In 2006, I obtained his BEng from The University of Adelaide. After a brief spell in Clipsal Integrated Systems and Codan Limited, I pursuit PhD in Computer Science from The University of Queensland under the supervision of Prof. Brian C. Lovell and Dr. Conrad Sanderson. I has worked as a graduate researcher at NICTA's Queensland laboratory from 2008 to 2012. 

My research is in the area of computer vision, machine learning and multimedia application, in particular on social scene analysis and trusted multimodal AI.

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