
Carlos A. Yépez, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

University of Manitoba

About me:

I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba in Canada, the largest public university in the province of Manitoba. I also serve in the editorial board of the journal Research in Globalization (see call for papers on themed issues).

My research interests lie in macroeconometrics, business cycles and policy analysis with an emphasis on monetary and fiscal policy. 

The goal of my current research is to study the sources and mechanisms behind the transmission of short-term aggregate fluctuations, and to analyze the government policy implications that arise from a better understanding of such mechanisms. 

My research covers topics such as banking and financial markets, stabilization policy, development macroeconomics, and international finance.


A recent opinion piece in The Hill Times about the difficulty of central banks in taming post-pandemic inflation.

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