Vitae 個人簡介

張耀中 教授兼研發長

國立臺東大學 資訊工程學系 

電話: 089-517616

傳真: 089-517560

地址: 95092 臺東市大學路二段369號


Dr. Yao-Chung Chang, 

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,

Vice President for Research and Development,  

National Taitung University, Taitung, Taiwan.

Tel: +886-89-517616

Fax: +886-89-517560

Address: No. 369, Sec. 2, University Rd., Taitung, Taiwan


Dr. Yao-Chung Chang received a B.S. degree (1992-1996) in Computer Science and Information Engineering from Tamkang University (TKU), Taipei, Taiwan. After that, Dr. Chang completed his M.S. degree (1996-1998) and Ph.D. degree (2002-2006) in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), Hualien, Taiwan. In 2006, Dr. Chang joined the Department of Information Science and Management System (ISMS), National Taitung University (NTTU), Taitung, Taiwan. In 2007, He joined the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), National Taitung University (NTTU), as an Assistant Professor. Also, he served as the Director of Computer Center and the Director of Taitung Regional Network Center, National Taitung University from Aug. 2009 to Jul. 2011. Dr. Chang was promoted to Professor in 2018. He has been the session chair of 41 international conferences, the program committee of 109 international conferences, and the conference reviewer of 82 international conferences. Besides, Prof. Chang served as coordinator of the 6th Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications (WoGTA’09), the steering committee for TANET 2010 and TANET 2011. He has published more than 60 papers in international journals and conferences. Also, he received the Outstanding Teaching Award from Nation Taitung University. His main research interests include  AIoT & Machine Learning, Cloud & Mobile Computing, Information & Network Security.

張耀中老師現為國立臺東大學資訊工程學系教授與加拿大溫哥華Simon Fraser University(SFU)計算機科學學院(School of Computing Science)訪問學者,具備行動通訊網路、智慧物聯網、雲端運算及資訊與網路安全等專長。張老師自2006年進入學界至今,連續17年榮獲科技部補助研究計畫(2006-2024);連續11年榮獲科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才措施(2010-2021);111-112年度國科會研究獎勵獲獎(2022-2023)9件大專生參與科技部專題計畫與9件教育部計畫;共計發表超過60篇國內外期刊論文及研討會論文,並獲選為國立東華大學第五屆傑出校友(2022)、淡江大學資訊工程學系傑出系友(2023)。此外,張老師亦積極參與學術專業活動,擔任國科會「資訊工程學門」與「應用科學教育學門」複審委員、數發部&教育部2022-2023「InnoServe大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽」評審委員、教育部「教學實踐研究計畫」審查委員、「111年推動中小學數位學習精進方案」輔導委員110-111年臺灣學術網路服務優化暨縣市教育網路中心輔導服務案」、「新興科技教育遠距示範服務計畫」、前瞻建設「建置國中小學校園智慧網路」與「資訊資源向上集中建置計畫」、「科技輔助自主學習輔導計畫」輔導委員、教育部「數位學習課程」與「MOOCs磨課師課程推動計畫」審查委員、「大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽」評審委員、「全國大專電腦軟體設計競賽」命題暨評審委員臺東縣「政府服務獎」指導委員、中華民國電腦學會監事台灣雲端計算學會理事、台灣學術網路管理委員會委員等職務,並為20本期刊之審查委員、41場學術研討會之議程主持人、31場專題演講之主講人、82場學術研討會之審查委員、109場研討會之議程委員。

Research Interesting Area

Professional Activities


Honors and Awards

(2022 Annual JISE Best Reviewer Award − Honorable Mention)

Teaching Awards



