Yasusada Murata

College of Economics, Nihon University

Address: 1-3-2 Kanda-Misakicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8360, Japan

E-Mail: murata dot yasusada at nihon-u dot ac dot jp

Working Papers

Testing for localization: A new approach, with Ryo Nakajima and Ryuichi Tamura.

On measuring welfare changes when varieties are endogenous, with Kristian Behrens and Yoshitsugu Kanemoto.

New trade models, elusive welfare gains, with Kristian Behrens and Yoshitsugu Kanemoto.

A theory of geography and development

Intergenerational linkages and economic geography


COVID-19 and regional economies: An introduction to the special issue, with Edward Coulson, Steven Brakman, and Alessandra Faggian, Journal of Regional Science 61(4), 691-695, 2021.

On quantitative spatial economic models, with Kristian Behrens, Journal of Urban Economics 123, 103348, 2021.

Quantifying the gap between equilibrium and optimum under monopolistic competition, with Kristian Behrens, Giordano Mion, and Jens Suedekum, Quarterly Journal of Economics 135(4), 2299-2360, 2020 (former title: Distorted monopolistic competition).

Spatial frictions, with Kristian Behrens, Giordano Mion, and Jens Suedekum, Journal of Urban Economics 97, 40-70, 2017 (former title: Agglomeration and firm selection).

The Henry George Theorem in a second best world, with Kristian Behrens and Yoshitsugu Kanemoto, Journal of Urban Economics 85, 34-51, 2015.

Localized knowledge spillovers and patent citations: A distance-based approach, with Ryo Nakajima, Ryosuke Okamoto, and Ryuichi Tamura, Review of Economics and Statistics 96(5), 967-985, 2014.

Trade, wages, and productivity, with Kristian Behrens, Giordano Mion, and Jens Südekum, International Economic Review 55(4), 1305-1348, 2014 (former title: Trade, firm selection, and the `toughness of competition': general equilibrium theory with applications).

Globalization and individual gains from trade, with Kristian Behrens, Journal of Monetary Economics 59(8), 703-720, 2012.

Trade, competition, and efficiency, with Kristian Behrens, Journal of International Economics 87(1), 1-17, 2012 (former title: Gains from trade and efficiency under monopolistic competition: a variable elasticity case).

On the number and the composition of varieties, Economic Journal 119(539), 1065-1087, 2009 (former title: Nonhomothetic preferences, increasing returns, and the introduction of new final goods).

City size and the Henry George Theorem under monopolistic competition, with Kristian Behrens, Journal of Urban Economics 65(2), 228-235, 2009.

Engel's law, Petty's law, and agglomeration, Journal of Development Economics 87(1), 161-177, 2008 (former title: Structural change and agglomeration).

General equilibrium models of monopolistic competition: A new approach, with Kristian Behrens, Journal of Economic Theory 136(1), 776-787, 2007.

Taste heterogeneity and the scale of production: fragmentation, unification, and segmentation, Journal of Urban Economics 62(1), 135-160, 2007.

A simple model of economic geography à la Helpman-Tabuchi, with Jacques-François Thisse, Journal of Urban Economics 58(1), 137-155, 2005.

Product diversity, taste heterogeneity, and geographic distribution of economic activities: market vs. non-market interactions, Journal of Urban Economics 53(1), 126-144, 2003.

Rural-urban interdependence and industrialization, Journal of Development Economics 68(1), 1-34, 2002.

Last updated: September 15, 2021