Yasunori Ouchida's Homepage

Yasunori Ouchida                                                                                                                   30/April /2024, updated.


Professor, School of Economics, Hiroshima University


Date of Birth: 1972/07/04

Birthplace: Kurume City (Tanushimaru machi),  Fukuoka Prefecture, JAPAN

Citizenship: Japan


Contact Information:

School of Economics, Hiroshima University

1-2-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, JAPAN, 739-8525


Tel.: +81-82-424-7289; Fax: +81-82-424-7212

E-mail: ouchida (at) hiroshima-u.ac.jp


Major Fields of Interests:

Industrial Organization, Competition Policy, Public Economics, Applied Microeconomics



Ph.D. in Economics, Kyushu University, 2004/03

MA in Economics, Kyushu University, 1998/03

BA in Business, Seinan Gakuin University, 1996/03

Meizen High School, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, 1988/04 - 1991/03


Academic Position:

Professor, Department of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2015/04- Present

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2005/10- 2015/03

Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences,

                                  Kitakyushu National College of Technology, 2004/08-2005/09

Visiting Scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2001/07-2001/09

Assistant Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences,

                                 Kitakyushu National College of Technology, 1999/04-2004/07

Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Kyushu University, 1998/06-1999/03



[Articles (English)]


(1)Tomoda, Y. and Ouchida, Y. (2023) Endogenous bifurcation into environmental CSR and non-environmental

     CSR firms by activist shareholders, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 122, 102883.

     (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2023.102883)

(2)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2022) Strategic non-use of the government's precommitment ability

     for emissions taxation: Environmental R&D organization in a Cournot duopoly

     Australian Economic Papers, Vol 61(1), pp.181-206. 


(3)Fukuda, K. and Ouchida, Y.(2020) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the environment:

     Does CSR increase emissions?, Energy Economics, Vol.92, 104933.

    (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104933)

(4)Takashima, N. and Ouchida, Y.(2020) Quality-improving R&D and merger policy in a differentiated duopoly:

     Cournot and Bertrand equilibria, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.41(7), pp.1338-1348. 

     (doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.3179)

(5)Ouchida, Y. (2019) Cooperative choice of corporate social responsibility in a bilateral monopoly model,

     Applied Economics Letters, Vol.26 (10), pp.799-806. 

    (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2018.1497843)

(6)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2016) Environmental research joint ventures and time-consistent

     emission tax: Endogenous choice of R&D formation, Economic Modelling, Vol.55, pp.179-188.

     (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2016.01.025)

(7)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2016) Cournot duopoly and environmental R&D under regulator’s

      precommitment to an emissions tax, Applied Economics Letters, Vol.23(5), pp.324-331.

     (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2015.1073831)

(8)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2014) Do emission subsidies reduce emission?

     In the context of environmental R&D organization, Economic Modelling, Vol.36, pp.511-516.

     (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2013.10.009)

(9)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2011) A Note on Environmental R&D under Time-Consistent

     Emission Tax, International Journal of Business and Economics, Vol.10, pp.257-260.

[Articles (Japanese)]


(1)Fukuda, K. and Ouchida, Y.(2018), A Game Theoretical Analysis of Tariff Policy in an

   International Duopoly Market and Global Emissions: Stackelberg Model, 

   The Hiroshima Economic Review, Vol. 42, No.1-2, pp.11-18. (in Japanese)

(2)Ouchida, Y. and Hosoe, M. (2009), An Economic Analysis of Upstream Trading System to

    Greenhouse Gas Trading, Studies in Applied Economics, Vol.3, pp.27-45. (in Japanese)

(3)Ouchida, Y. (2007), Emission Tax Policy, Relocation of Polluting Firms and Pollution Abatement

     Investment, Studies in Regional Science (Journal of the Japan Section of the RSAI),Vol.37, No.4, 

     pp.959-978. (in Japanese)

(4)Ouchida, Y. (2004),Market Power and Enforcement Mechanism in Emission Trading,

Review of Applied Microeconomics, No.1, pp.17-26.(in Japanese)

(5)Ouchida, Y. (2003), Economics and Normative Analysis in Education of the College of Technology,

    Journal of Education in the Colleges of Technology (Kosen Kyoiku), Vol.26, pp.221-226. (in Japanese)

(6)Ouchida, Y. (2003), Environmental Regulation and Pollution Reduction under Voluntary  

     Approach, Research Report of Kitakyushu National College of Technology, No.36, pp.107-110. (in Japanese)

(7)Ouchida, Y. (2002), Optimal Initial Allocation of Tradeable Permits and Environmental

    Investment, Studies in Contemporary Economics, No.10, pp.82-108. (in Japanese)

(8)Ouchida, Y.(2002),On the Stability of Cooperative Environmental Investment under

     Voluntary Approach, The Annual Report of Economic Science (KYUSHU KEIZAIGAKKAI NENPO), 

      No.40,pp.23-30. (in Japanese)

(9)Ouchida, Y., Nakamura, H. and Matsushima, S. (2002), Self-Reporting System in Pollutant

    Release and Transfer Register and Environmental Regulation, Research Report of

     Kitakyushu National College of Technology, No.35, pp.117-120. (in Japanese)

(10)Ouchida, Y. (2000),On the Certification of the Credits and Bargaining Mechanism in Clean

      Development Mechanism, Studies in Regional Science (Journal of the Japan Section of the RSAI),

      Vol.30(1), pp.291-300. (in Japanese)

(11)Ouchida, Y. (1999), Joint Implementation and Monitoring under Asymmetric Information,

      Keizai-Ronkyu, No.103, pp.1-16. (in Japanese)



(1)Ouchida, Y. (2007), Economic Analysis of Environmental Investment and Regulation,

Kyushu University Press, 2007/01. (In Japanese)


[Book Chapter]

(1)Ouchida, Y. (2005), The Chapter 9 ``Environmental Policy”, in M.Hosoe and I. Miura (ed.),

     Economic Analysis of Modern Public Policy, CHUOKEIZAI-SHA, Inc., Tokyo, 2005. (In Japanese)

(2)Ouchida, Y. (2009), The Chapter 6,``Pollution Abatement Investment and Firm’s Location  

     under Emission Tax Policy”, in N.Ariyoshi, J.Maeda, and M.Akiyama(ed.), Applied Economic

     Analysis II: SNA, Economic Growth, and the Environment, Keiso Shobo, Tokyo, pp.121-142. (In Japanese)

(3)Ouchida, Y., Chapter 6 ``Emission tax timing and a monopoly market'' and

    Ouchida, Y., Chapter 13 ``Environmental R&D organization in a differentiated Cournot duopoly''

     in Naito, T. (Ed.), Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy, 2015, Springer.

(4)Ouchida, Y., Chapter 6, ``Market Failure'', and ``The final chapter (with Nakamura,T.)'' 

      in Nakamura,T. and Ouchida,Y.(ed.), Introductory Economics, Minervashobo, 2017.(In Japanese)

(5)Ouchida, Y., Chapter 20, Quality-improving R&D and semicollusive production cartel

    in differentiated Cournot duopoly, in Naito, T., Lee, W., and Ouchida, Y.(ed.),

    Applied Approaches to Societal Institutions and Economics: Essays in Honor of Moriki Hosoe,

     2017, pp.271-285, Springer.

(6)Ouchida, Y., Chapter 5, Quality-improving R&D and the effect of merger in a Bertrand duoply,

    in Akimoto, K., Eboshi, K., Akiyama, M (Eds.), New trends of theoretical economics,  pp.94-109,

     Keisoshobo, 2019. (In Japanese)

(7)Ouchida, Y. et al., Emission taxation and investment in cleaner production: The case of

    differentiated duopoly, in Nakayama, K. and Miyata, Y. (Eds.), Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

    in Environmental Economics, Chapter 3, pp.35-48, Springer, 2019.

(8) //////////

[Translation into Japanese]

(1) Chapters 10 and 18 in C.D. Kolstad (1999), Environmental Economics, Oxford University Press.

     (Japanese Version: Hosoe,M. and Fujita, T. [Translation Supervisor], Kankyo keizaigaku Nyumon,

     Yuhikaku, Tokyo, 2001.)

[Book Review] 

(1)Ouchida, Y. (2011), Ikazaki, D., Naito, N., and Fukuyama, H., The Theoretical Studies on

     Spatial and Sustainable Environmental Policy, 2009, Taga Shuppan, Studies in Regional Science

     (Journal of the Japan Section of the RSAI). Vol.41(2), pp.577-580. (In Japanese)



(1)Ouchida, Y.(2000),``On Emission Trading”, in M.Hosoe, H.Imaizumi, and O.Keida(ed.),

    Modern Microeconomics, Keiso Shobo, Tokyo, pp.282-284. (In Japanese)


[Disscussion Papers]


(1)Tomoda, Y. and Ouchida, Y. (2023) Endogenous bifurcation into environmental CSR and non-environmental CSR

     firms by activist shareholders. Discussion Paper Series, No.2023-2,  School of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2023.1.

    (Revised version is published in JEEM)

(2)Takashima, N. and Ouchida, Y. (2021), International environmental agreements with international

     financial institutions, Discussion Paper Series No.2021-1, School of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2021.3.

     (In submission)

(3)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2019), Strategic non-use of the government's precommitment ability

     for emissions taxation: Environmental R&D organization in a Cournot duopoly.

     Discussion Paper Series No.2019-2, Faculty of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2019.3. 

     (Revised version is published in Australian Economic Papers)

(4)Takashima, N. and Ouchida, Y. (2019), R&D for eco-products and merger policy in a differentiated duopoly:

     Cournot and Bertrand equilibria, Discussion Paper Series No.2019-1, Faculty of Economics,

     Hiroshima University, 2019.3. (Revised version is published in Managerial and Decision Economics)

(5)Fukuda, K. and Ouchida, Y. (2017), Does CSR increase emission?, Discussion Paper Series No.2017-5,

     Faculty of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2017.10. (Revised version was accepted by Energy Economics)

(6)Ouchida, Y. (2017), Cooperative choice of corporate social responsibility and the double marginalization problem,

     Discussion Paper Series No.2017-4, Faculty of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2017.7.

     (Revised version is published in Applied Economics Letters)

(7)Fukuda, K. and Ouchida, Y. (2017), Time-consistent emission tax and socially responsible monopolist,

     Discussion Paper Series No.2017-1, Faculty of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2017.2.

(8)Ouchida,Y., Quality-improving R&D and effective organization, Discussion Paper Series No.2015-6,

      Faculty of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2015.

(9)Ouchida, Y., Okamura, M., Orito, Y. (2015), Cleaner Production Technology and Emission Tax

     in a Differentiated Duopoly, Discussion Paper Series No.2015-2, Faculty of Economics, Hiroshima University, 2015.3.

(10)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2014) Cournot duopoly and environmental R&D under regulator’s

     precommitment to an emissions tax, IDEC DP2 Series 4-3, Hiroshima University, Graduate School for

     International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) and SSRN Working Paper No.2447685

    (Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2447685 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2447685)

    (Accepted by Applied Economics Letters).

(11)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2014), Environmental research joint ventures and

      time-consistent emission tax. Nota di Lavoro 35.2014, Milan, Italy: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.

      (Revised version is published in Economic Modelling)

(12)Kawata, K. and Ouchida, Y. (2013),Trade and Environmental Policies: Effects of Transboundary Pollution,

      Available at SSRN Working Paper Series (http://ssrn.com/abstract=2307049)

      and IDEC, Hiroshima University, Discussion Paper Series 2, Vol. 3. No.8.

(13)Ouchida, Y. (2012),Quality-improving R&D and Semi-collusive Production Cartel in 

      Differenciated Duopoly, Discussion Paper Series No.2012-4. Faculty of Economics,

     Hiroshima univeraity, and SSRN Working Paper Series (http://ssrn.com/abstract=2170177)

(14)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2012), The organization of R&D and environmental policy:

      So does emission subsidy reduce emissions?, IDEC, Hiroshima University, Discussion Paper

      Series 2, Vol.2, No.13. (Revised version is published in Economic Modelling)

(15)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2012), What is the socially desirable formation of environmental R&D?,

      IDEC, Hiroshima University, Discussion Paper Series 2, Vol.2, No.6.

    (Revised version: Environmental research joint ventures and time-consistent emission tax.) 

(16)Ouchida, Y. and Goto, D. (2011), A Note on Environmental R&D under Time-Consistent Emission Tax,

      IDEC, Hiroshima University, Discussion Paper Series 2, Vol.1,No.6.

     (published in International Journal of Business and Economics. (ISSN:1607-0704),Vol.10,No.3)

Editorial Appointment:

(1)Editorial Board Member, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, Springer (2016-)

(2)Vice Editor-in-Chief, Studies in Applied Economics, Japan Association for Applied Economics.

Academic Activities:

(1) Director, Japan Association for Applied Economics.(2016.6-present)

(2) Director, The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International.(2023.1-present)

(3) Auditor, The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International.(2021.1-2022.12)

(4) Visiting Researcher, Competition Policy Research Center, Japan Fair Trade Commission (2021.5 - present)

Experience of Government Committees:

(1) Member, Committee on Economics, Council for University Chartering and School Juridical Person,

      the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. 2017.11-2019.10

(2) Member, Evaluation Committee of Hiroshima Legal Affairs Bureau, the Ministry of Justice of Japan. 2010.09-2010.12

Research Grants and Fellowship:

[Project Leader]

(1)Fellowship for Research Abroad, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

Technology of Japan, 2001.

(2)Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

Technology of Japan, No.13730049, 2001-2002. [Project Leader]

(3)Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

Technology of Japan, No. 16730140, 2004-2006. [Project Leader]

(4)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Kitakyushu City, 2004. [Project Leader]

(5)Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results, Japan Society for the Promotion of

Science, No.185200, 2006. [Project Leader]

(6)Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

Technology of Japan, No.19730178, 2007-2009. [Project Leader]

(7)Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

Technology of Japan, No.22730200, 2010-2012. [Project Leader]

(8)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,

No.25380303, 2013-2015. [Project Leader]

(9)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,

No.16K03627, 2016-2018. [Project Leader]

(10)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,

No.19K01675, 2019-2021. [Project Leader]

(11)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,

No. 22K01437, 2022-2024. [Project Leader]



[Project Member]

(1)Research Grant 2006, the Promotion Council for Regional Economic Studies of Chugoku Region, 2006.

(2)Research Grant on Environmental Policy Studies of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, No.6, 2009-2011.



The Award of Recognition of Best Books of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association

 International (JSRSAI), 2007/10.



(1)The 1999 Spring Meeting of the Japanese Economic Association, 1999/05

(2)The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 1999/10

(3)The 3rd Annual Meeting of Fukuoka Society of Environmental Education, 2000/08

(4)The 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2000/10

(5)The 115th Regular Meeting of the Western Association of Economics, 2000/10

(6)The 6th Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2001/09

(7)The 118th Regular Meeting of the Western Association of Economics, 2001/10

(8)The 51st Annual Meeting of the Kyushu Association of Economic Science, 2001/12

(9)The 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2002/09

(10)The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 2002/10

(11)The 121st Regular Meeting of the Western Association of Economics, 2002/10

(12)The 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2003/09

(13)The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 2004/09

(14)The 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2004/09

(15)The 128th Regular Meeting of the Western Association of Economics, 2005/02

(16)The 19th International Meeting of Pacific Regional Science Conference, 2005/07

(17)The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 2006/10

(18)The 2006 Autumn Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2006/11

(19)The 2nd Regular Meeting of 2007 of the Kyushu Branch of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 2007/11

(20)The 2008 Spring Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2008/06

(21)The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 2009/10

(22)The 2011 Spring Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2011/06

(23)The 2012 Spring Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2012/06

(24)The Summer Seminar 2013, Modern Economics Research Group, 2013/08

(25)The 2014 Autumn Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2014/11

(26)The 2015 Autumn Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2015/11

(27)The 2016 Autumn Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2016/11

(28)The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 2017/10

(29)The 2017 Autumn Meeting of the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2017/10

(30)Applied Economics seminar, Kyushu University, 2018/05

(31)The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International, 2018/10

(32) The Annual Meeting  of West Japan Chapter, the Japan Association for Applied Economics, 2024/03

(33) /////

Invited Talk

Fukuyama Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hosei University, The Operations Research Society of Japan (Kyushu Branch), etc.



Agricultural and Resource Economics Review,

Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 

B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy,

Bulletin of Economic Research,

Economic Modelling, 

Energy Economics, 

Economic Systems, 

Environmental and Resource Economics, 

Environmental Modeling & Assessment,

International Journal of Economic Theory, 

Japanese Economic Review, 

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,

Journal of Industrial Ecology, 

Journal of Regulatory Economics,

Managerial and Decision Economics, 

Mathematical Social Sciences, 

R&D Management, 

Regional Science, Policy and Practice, 

Singapore Economic Review,

The Annual Report of Economic Science (Kyushu Keizaigakkai Nenpo), 

Journal of Economic Policy Studies (Keizai Seisaku Journal),

Studies in Applied Economics (Ouyou Keizaigaku Kenkyu), 

Studies in Contemporary Economics (Gendai Geizaigaku Kenkyu),

Studies in Regional Science (Chiikigaku Kenkyu), 

Regional Economic Studies (Hiroshima University), etc.

Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Yasunori Ouchida All Rights Reserved.