About Me

I am an Assistant Instructional Professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and a Faculty Member at the Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago.

Fields of Concentration

Labor Economics


yasai [at] uchicago.edu



Temporary Work Contracts and Female Labor Market Outcomes, with Dmitri Koustas , Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 208, 2023, in media: VoxEU 

Effects of Subsidized Childcare on Mothers' Labor Supply Under a Rationing Mechanism, Labour Economics, Volume 55, 2018 (with Ryo Kambayashi and Shintaro Yamaguchi

 How Does Early Childcare Enrollment Affect Children, Parents, and Their Interactions?, Labour Economics, Volume 55, 2018  (with Ryo Kambayashi and Shintaro Yamaguchi)

 Parental Leave Reforms and the Employment of New Mothers: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Japan, Labour Economics, Volume 36, 2015

 Childcare Availability, Household Structure, and Maternal Employment,  Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 38, 2015 (with Ryo Kambayashi and Shintaro Yamaguchi

 Working Papers

Gender Bias in Evaluation and Promotion, with Hideo Owan 

An Analysis of the Labor Supply of Childcare Providers, with Akiei Jibiki

 Costs of Employment and Flexible Labor Demand: Evidence from Maternity and Parental Leave Reforms   in media: VoxEU

 Work in Progress

 Overtime premium and hours of work: Lessons from the mandatory increase in the overtime premium

 Does Childcare Under Age 3 Matter?: Evidence on Maternal Labor Supply and Early Childhood Development from an Expansion of Subsidies


 Instructor, the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

 Lecturer, Labor Economics, Department of Economics, University of California Berkeley, summer 2017, 2018

 Instructor, R Training Workshop, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, 2018, 2019, 2020

 Invited lecture, Demographic Change in Japan, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, March 2017 

 Instructor, Statistics, Faculty of Humanities, Law and Economics, Mie University, Japan, 2013

 Instructor, Information Processing in Economics, Department of Economics, Kanagawa University, Japan, 2010-2012

 Conference and Seminar Presentations

2025: ASSA Annual Meeting (Scheduled) 

2024: MEA (SOLE session), SOLE

2022: SOLE 

2021: ASSA Annual Meeting, EUSP Economic Seminar

2020: EALE SOLE AASLE World Conference, ASSA Annual Meeting, Midwest Economics Association

 2019: NORC University of Chicago, SOLE, Western Economic Association, Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), Empirical Microeconomics Workshop University of Tokyo

 2018: Kansai Labor Workshop, Tokyo Keizai University

 2017: 10th Trans Pacific Labor Seminar, Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics, Seoul National University 

 2016: European Economic Association, ASSA Annual Meeting (poster), University of California Berkeley, California State University East Bay

 2015: 4th SOLE/EALE World Conference, 8th Trans Pacific Labor Seminar, Hitotsubashi Summer Institute, Yokohama National University, OEIO conference, Tohoku University

 2014: 84th Annual Meetings Southern Economic Association, 7th Trans Pacific Labor Seminar, Sogang University, Labour and Public Policy Seminars Aarhus University

 2013: 8th Applied Econometrics Conference Hitotsubashi University, Japan(Best Paper Award), 25th annual  Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, 18th Society of Labor Economists meetings(poster), Economic Science Association Asia-Pacific Conference

 Other Skills

Karate Black Belt


 Google Scholar Citation



 日本語の論文(Publications in Japanese)