Yanbo Fan
Research Scientist, Ant Research.
Email: fanyanbo0124@gmail.com

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I am now a Research Scientist at Ant Research. From Jul. 2018 to Oct. 2023, I worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Tencent AI Lab. In June 2018, I obtained my PhD degree from the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), supervised by Prof. Bao-Gang Hu and Prof. Ran He. From Oct. 2016 to Oct. 2017, I spent a wonderful year as a visiting student at the Computer Vision and Machine Learning Lab (CVML) at the University at Albany, State University of New York, supervised by Prof. Siwei Lyu. I received my BS degree from Hunan University in June 2013, major in Computer Science and Technology.

My research focuses on Trustworthy and Generative AI, in particular, adversarial machine learning and digital avatar reconstruction and animation. I am interested in theory, algorithms, and applications of these topics, especially for real-world scenarios where both performance and operational efficiency matter. 

👏👏We have opening positions for research interns at Ant Research, focusing on cutting-edge research in digital avatar, e.g., gaussian avatars, high-fidelity 2D/3D audio/video animation, etc. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.



  1. Average Top-k Loss for supervised learning
    Siwei Lyu, Yanbo Fan* (corresponding author), Yiming Ying, Bao-Gang Hu.
    [T-PAMI 2020]
