
Introductory research activity:

Click on the links shown below to explore the Holocaust museum. Explore the sites, videos and pictures. Please list the exhibitions you visited in your reading journal and take notes on what you saw or learned.

Related youtube videos that show you inside the museum

Night: Understanding Religious Aspects
physical location layout of Auschwitz

Research topics:



Polish March of the Living


World War II- Important Leaders

Holocaust War Criminals

Children of the Holocaust

Nuremberg Trials

The Final Solution

Nazi Beliefs & Nazi Propaganda

Adolf Hitler


Medical Experiments of the Holocaust

Raoul Wallenberg

Heinrich Himmler

Jewish Religion

Artwork, Stolen Art, Poetry, Literature, and Music of the Holocaust

Museums and Memorials

Dr. Josef Mengele: Angel of Death

Timeline of historical events:

Timeline of historical events in 20th century U.S. history. This will help put our readings in perspective. Check out this link!

Holocaust Encyclopedia

A wonderful resource which explain all the elements and factors relating to the Holocaust

Propaganda research activity:

Link for American Propaganda

Links for Nazi Propaganda

Ghetto research activity:

Please review the Jewish Ghetto research site. Then select one of the following ghettos for further research. Takes notes on interesting information and be prepared to share with class.

Jewish Ghetto research

Warsaw Ghetto

Kovno Ghetto

Lodz Ghetto

Terezin Ghetto

Beyond the Holocaust: What has occurred worldwide since this genocide

Confronting Genocide