
The below Version Information also serves to provide the functionality of Help > Check For Updates in the app's that have that feature...

Using MD5 Checksum's

The checksum hash is provided for the containing Zip File of the app and is used for a binary validation of the contents.

You may use this value to verify that the app has downloaded correctly, and importantly, is the original file and unaltered.

Windows 10 (as an example, there are other tools out there, this one is built-in though)

Use Windows PowerShell (Command Prompt) by opening the folder you downloaded the Zip to, then Left-Click, press SHIFT, then Right-Click, and in the context menu, choose "Open PowerShell window here"...

At the prompt type Get-FileHash then, then DRAG the from the download folder window into the PowerShell window and release. The filename will then correctly appear appended to the command line...

Next, at the end of the line now add "-Algorithm MD5". Then hit Enter.

The hash calculation is then displayed.


Do not download any XML Control app from any other source on the Internet, 

only from "".

If in doubt, you can request the app be sent direct via email.