AlphaWeb Screenshots

To see exactly what the Alpha Web software looks like and how simple it is to setup, here are the key screen-shots for your information.

Control Tab At Startup

This tab includes the Message Center feedback area. All these messages are also included in the messages.xml file that the control generates, and this file can be remotely recovered for diagnostic purposes, via your web-server.

Data Capture Tab

Use this tab to select which ranges of I/O points you actually want the control to collect from your Alpha. All Alpha 2 (II, XL) versions are supported, though the expandable 14 Point and 24 Point controllers offer the best value for money, and are highly recommended.

Data View Tab

Use this tab to fully configure the analogue and digital signals from your Alpha into fully formatted and readily understood values. For example 21.4°C OutsideAirTemp as opposed to the Alpha's raw '153' binary value! The fully formatted values are served up into your HTML and XML files.

Serial Port Setup Tab

Use this tab to select the Serial Port that your Alpha is connected to on the host PC. Then test that an actual Alpha is attached and responds correctly too. The Remote Control version also allows you to individually switch Relays 1 thru 6 On or Off for testing.

Control Output Tab

Use this tab to set the frequency that the control polls the Alpha and generates the required HTML and/or XML files - also selected here.

If set to Zero the control will poll your Alpha and update the DataView every few seconds - yet not create any output files - useful for testing.


Simply set the required encoding style of the generated XML file, if required. Useful for third-party data tools or your own automation tools.


Edit the default simple web-page HTML output, or even choose to roll in your own Header and Footer files for a fully customisable web-page.

However, for out-of-the-box functionality, the default HTML feature could be useful for small projects - just set a target pagename.html in the Control Output Tab.

That's it! Well, almost...