Welcome to Professor Xi Chen's Research Website!

Xi Chen, Ph.D., is an associate professor of  Public Health (Health Policy), of Global Health, of Economics, and of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Yale University. He is a faculty fellow at the Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS), Yale Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Yale Center for Climate Change and Health, Yale Macmillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale Institute for Network Science (YINS), and a faculty advisor of the Yale-China Association. He is a PEPPER Scholar at Yale Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. His research endeavors focus on economics and public policies on population aging, and global health systems. Currently, his main research projects involve: 1) Economics of cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD), using both medical claims data and survey data to investigate how cognitive aging may affect decision-making and healthcare utilization, and ADRD care quality, costs and equity; 2) Pension, retirement policies and health of the aging population; 3) The impact of environmental pollution and climate change on older adults; 4) life course factors and healthy aging.

Professor Chen is a research fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, fellow at the Global Labor Organization (GLO) and its Cluster Lead in Environment and Human Capital, Editor at the Journal of Population Economics, President of the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) (2018-2020), and an Academic Committee member of the Global Lecture Series on Chinese Economy. He is an adjunct professor at Peking University and at SJTU-Yale Joint Health Policy Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University. He consults for the United Nations and the World Bank. He is an alumni affiliate of Cornell Institute on Health Economics, Health Behaviors & Disparities, Cornell Population Center, and Cornell Institute for the Social Sciences. He has served as a grant reviewer for the National Sciences Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), the Research Council of Norway, Guest Editor at the Journal of Asian Economics, a member of the editorial board at China CDC Weekly, and a reviewer for more than 30 peer-reviewed journals.

Professor Chen's work has been recognized through numerous awards, including the Best China Paper from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) (2011), the George Warren Award (2012), the Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award from the AAEA (2013), the MacMillan Faculty Research Award (2013, 2017), USDA-ERS (2008), James Tobin Summer Research Award (2014-2022), the Kempf Award (2017-2018), awards from the National Institute of Health (NIH), the U.S. PEPPER Center Scholar Award (2016), Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization Interdisciplinary Paper Award of the Gerontology Association of America (2019), the Best Abstract Award at the Academy Health Research Meetings (2020). He is a Butler-Williams Scholar at the National Institute on Aging (NIA) (2019). His timely and rigorous economic evaluations on the COVID-19 pandemic won the Kuznets Prize (2021).

His research projects funded by public and private funding sources has resulted in 120+ peer-reviewed publications, such as PNAS, LANCET, JAMA, PLoS Medicine, JAERE, JEEM, JoPE, EHP, SSM, JEoA, and AJAE. These studies have been widely covered 3,000+ times in popular media worldwide, such as BBC, CNN, CBS, WSJ, NYT, The Guardian, Financial Times, The Economist, The Washington Post, The Macmillan Report, The Times of London, NPR, NBC News, Reuters, Associated Press, Time Magazine, Fortune, Slate, Forbes, Bloomberg, CNBC, Al Jazeera, World Economic Forum, Science Magazine, Nature, DW, ABC (Australia), ABC (USA), EuroNews, Foreign Policy, FOX News, New Scientist, The Hill, National Geography, Foreign Affairs, The LANCET, RT, Xinhua News Agency, Global Times, and People's Daily, The Hill, CBC, VOA, The Telegraph, AFP, Scientific American, SCMP, The Independent, Yahoo Finance, VoX, Barron's, USA Today, LA Times, WIRED, VICE, The Atlantic, The Scientist Magazine. He is a commentator at BBC, CNN, EuroNews, CGTN. Chen has written opinion pieces for NYT. Chen has been invited by The National Committee on United States China Relations (NCUSCR) as a delegate of U.S. - China Healthcare Dialogue (Track II).

In the past ten years, Professor Chen has supervised more than 30 postdoctoral fellows, PhD students and Yale College students who have won a number of outstanding paper awards. Chen has taught quantitative methods in health economics and health services research, as well as U.S.-China Health Systems at Yale.

Chen obtained a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from Cornell University.

Bio in Chinese


陈希博士现任耶鲁大学全球健康政策与经济学副教授,他同时兼任耶鲁社会政策研究所、美国联邦阿尔兹海默症研究中心、耶鲁气候变化与健康中心、麦克米兰中心、雅礼中国学会等的指导教授。他共同领导耶鲁老龄化研究所和Yale Claude D. Pepper老龄美国中心的日常学术活动。他的研究领域是健康经济学、劳动经济学、老龄经济学。他结合经济学中的因果推断、机器学习与深度学习、流行病学方法,通过分析中、美、欧医疗健康体系大数据和社会追踪调查数据,聚焦于研究人口老龄化、全生命周期健康、生命质量等领域的公共政策。

他同时担任联合国咨询顾问,德国IZA劳动经济研究院研究员,全球劳工组织的环境与人力资本研究组组长,中国卫生政策与管理学会理事(2016-2018)、会长(2018-2020),北京大学全球健康发展研究院兼职教授,上海交大-耶鲁卫生政策联合研究中心兼职教授,康奈尔大学健康经济与不平等中心高级研究员,世界银行咨询顾问,联合国、美国国家科学基金会、美国国立健康研究院、挪威国家科学基金等的外部评审人。他还担任Journal of Population Economics的联合主编,China CDC WeeklyJournal of Asian Economics等专刊的客座编辑。

他主持的美国国立卫生研究院、美国农业部经济研究局、美国老龄化与独立中心及美国非营利机构的研究在科学、经济学、医疗卫生领域学术刊物PNAS, LANCET, JAMA, PLoS Medicine, JAERE, JEEM, JoPE, EHP, SSM, JoEA, AJAE等发表论文120余篇。这些研究获得包括美国农业与应用经济学会杰出博士论文奖、美国国家卫生研究院PEPPER学者奖、国家老龄化研究院Butler-Williams学者、George Warren应用经济研究奖等在内的多个奖项。2020年初,他与合作者们发表经济学界首篇新冠疫情评估论文,评估中国公共卫生政策的防疫效果,获得全球劳动组织,欧洲人口经济学会与联合国大学-马斯特里赫特联合主办的Journal of Population Economics颁发库兹涅茨奖(Kuznets Award)。

