X Air Utilities

A while back I acquired a Behringer XR18 18-Channel, 12-Bus digital audio mixer. This unit is part of the X Air series of digital mixers from Behringer which markets it as an iOS/Android Tablet controlled mixer with built-in WiFi. Overall a great unit although the performance of the built-in WiFi is debatable. One of the most unique capabilities of the X Air series (at least in my opinion) is the fact that the unit can be controlled over an Ethernet network using OSC (Open Sound Control) commands.

As I started exploring this capability I came across someone who had already done a lot of work with OSC on the Behringer X32 console. Patrick-Gilles Maillot had reverse engineered a large part of the OSC protocol used on the X32 and had also developed several very useful utilities for controlling it. Patrick was also kind enough to open-source his code so that others could benefit from his work. The utilities below represent my effort so far to port some of Patrick's utilities to the X Air series as well as create some new utilities.

Please Note

All utilities below are distributed as Freeware for non-commercial users. Commercial users should contact myself and Patrick before using or distributing these tools.

XAir_Command - A simple, yet very powerful tool for sending OSC commands and listening to X Air devices.

XAirGetScene - Get a Scene (or partial scene) file from an X Air mixer.

XAirSetScene - Interprets a Scene (or partial scene) file and sets an X Air mixer accordingly.

Windows Mac OSX Ubuntu/Linux Raspberry Pi

Please report issues or request new features by going HERE.

XAirRemote - A client/server bridge that sits between an OSC client and an X Air mixer.

Windows Mac OSX Ubuntu/Linux Raspberry Pi (coming soon)

Source code can be found on github.