Wye Garden Society

Our Meetings

Meetings are usually on the third Friday of the month, January - March, May & June and September - November. Our Annual Plant Sale is held in St Briavels in late April. 

We meet alternately in Brockweir and St Briavels. We take a break from regular meetings during the summer months. We hold our AGM in November. 

Everyone is always welcome to our meetings (visitors £5.) 

See our full programme for 2024


We have supported the welfare of our local bees with annual grants which encouraged new people to take up beekeeping, from 2009 to 2019. 


Our 2023 project aimed  to encourage people who wanted to plant trees, to plant them in the right places and for the right reasons: for example, creating or extending a hedgerow, replacing diseased trees or attracting more wildlife to their garden. 


Our Annual Plant Sale

A lot of planning and preparation paid off on 21 April, when we held our successful Annual Plant Sale. The quality of plants donated was excellent and we sold out within an hour! Shoppers were also treated to a fabulous array of cakes to enjoy on the spot or take away. A long but rewarding day for the team of members who made it all happen.


Thank you to all who donated such excellent plants.


OUR NEXT MEETING:  Friday27 September

Gardening with Nature

We take a break from our regular meetings in July and August. The Drinks in the Garden planned for 5 July - weather permitting - is for members omly. Arrangements will be circulated by email.

Our autumn programme starts on 27 September. Our speaker is Sally Oates, whose garden can be heard before it is seen. Situated among acre upon acre of bare, intensively farmed fields, her comparatively small plot of land appears to be a lone island of sweet, thundering birdsong. The garden was featured in Gardeners’ World.

Friday 27 September. 7.30pm. Mackenzie Hall, Brockweir
