Wye Garden Society
A Productive Year in a Small Greenhouse
We welcome Nick Morgan to our meeting on 18 October. He retired toGloucestershire in 2016, after 23 years working in key roles within the RHS as a Horticultural Specialist and Superintendent of RHS Wisley glass and propagation departments. Now in retirement ,he would not be without his small greenhouse.
St Briavels School Hall. Friday, 18 October. 7.30pm.
All welcome. Visitors £5
Our Meetings
We meet monthly: January June / September - November, either In St Briavels or Brockweir.
We hold a Plant Sale In May (2025) and a Members' event or garden visit during July
We provided support for a revived Harden Show in September 2024 ( see below)
Contact us: wyegardensocietu@gmail.com
Brockweir, Hewelsfield and St Briavels Garden Show
Thank you to those who supported the Garden Show on 7th September. We were delighted with the number of exhibits ranging from the perfect and pretty, to the weird and wonderful. The Hall was a riot of colour from so many flower exhibits, which we had not expected, given the wet summer, and we marvelled at the wonderfully shaped parsnip, the miniature gardens and the beautiful photographs of insects on a flower.
We had 172 entries across the 5 classes of vegetables, extraordinary vegetables, fruit, flowers, craft, domestic and children. The Judges chose their favourite exhibit in their section and a sustainable bamboo trophy was awarded to the exhibitor. Jane Bradley was awarded the cup in the Flower Section with a perfect trio of pompom dahlias, and Mike Weeks won in the Fruit Section with his eating apples. An amazing Turk’s Turban squash entered by Chrissy Birch was the Judge’s Choice in the Vegetable Section.
We were particularly delighted with the children’s exhibits of beautifully illustrated poems, ingenious cupcakes decorated with wiggly worms and a wonderful ‘whale and the snail’ vegetable animal created by Samuel.
We are hugely grateful to the people who gave generously of their time to help us. Alan and Anne with setting up on Friday. Sandra, Laura, Bob, Carol, Beryl, Mike with the entries, judging and stewarding. Laura and Charlotte who spent hours in the kitchen serving tea and cakes and washing up. Gill and Martin who set up and ran the activities for the children, which were popular and a great idea. And to all those who cleared the hall and tidied up when the Show was over. We could not have put on this Show without you, so thank you.
We would also like to thank our sponsors, the Mackenzie Hall for their sponsorship of this event, and in appreciation of their support also gave the donations received for the tea and cakes to them. Our aim when deciding to resurrect this Show, which had not been held for sixteen years, was to be a social event in our villages and have fun. We always said it was not a seriously competitive event and encouraged everyone to enter, so that we had a good SHOW. This we achieved.
We hope everyone enjoyed it as we did; we will organise one next year. So watch out for the date and put it in your diary.
Mary Harris and Sally Secrett