Xiaowei Wu's Homepage
Xiaowei Wu (吴晓伟)
Room N21-5011a
State Key Laboratory in the Internet of Things for Smart City (IOTSC)
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau
Email: xiaoweiwu at um.edu.mo
UM Homepage: https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/personal/xiaoweiwu/
I'm currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science with the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (IOTSC) at University of Macau.
Before joining the University of Macau, I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Monika Henzinger at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna. I received my PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Hubert Chan. I received my BEng degree from the University of Science and Technology of China.
Postdoc, PhD, & Research Assistant at University of Macau
We regularly have several positions for Postdoc, Phd, and Research Assistant each year. If you are interested in my research and want to join our group, please don't hesitate to send me an email with your CV and representative publication.
Students with ICPC programming contest experience will have priority.
Feb, 2025. One paper on Mixed Strategy for Security Game is accepted by Artificial Intelligence (AIJ).
Feb, 2025. One paper on Prophet Inequality is accepted by Artificial Intelligence (AIJ).
Jan, 2025. One paper on budget-feasible allocations is accepted by Information and Computation (IANDC).
Sep, 2024. One paper on WPROP allocation with subsidy is accepted by WINE 2024.
May, 2024. One paper on EFX allocation for binary chores is accepted by IJTCS-FAW 2024.
Mar, 2024. One paper on WPROPX allocation for chores is accepted by Artificial Intelligence (AIJ).
Oct, 2023. One paper on Approximate EFX allocation for chores is accepted by Artificial Intelligence (AIJ).
Sep, 2023. One paper on edge-weighted online stochastic matching is accepted by WINE 2023.
Sep, 2023. One paper on query-based prophet inequality is accepted by WINE 2023.
Sep, 2023. One paper on fair allocation with money is accepted by WINE 2023.
Aug, 2023. Organized the conference IJTCS-FAW 2023 in University of Macau .
Aug, 2023. One paper on oblivious matching is accepted by Journal of the ACM (JACM).
Jun, 2023. Our survey on fair allocation is accepted by Artificial Intelligence (AIJ).
May, 2023. One paper on security game is accepted by Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).
May, 2023. One paper on weighted EF1 allocation is accepted by EC 2023.
Apr, 2023. One paper on online fair allocation is accepted by ICML 2023.
Apr, 2023. One paper on dynamic set cover is accepted by SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP).
Jan, 2023. One paper on budget-feasible fair allocation is accepted by AAMAS 2023.
Research Interests
I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science, computational economics and algorithmic game theory. My research interests span various topics in online matching, prophet inequality, fair allocation problems and truthful mechanism design.
Some useful introductions of these research directions can be found at: Online Bipartite Matching, Fair Division (Open Problems), Algorithmic Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium.
(* Asterisks denote alphabetical order of authors (why?).)
Approximately EFX Allocations for Indivisible Chores
Shengwei Zhou and Xiaowei Wu.
Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), 326: 104037. 2024
Towards a better understanding of randomized greedy matching
Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu*, and Yuhao Zhang
Journal of the ACM (JACM), 70(6): 39:1-39:32. 2023
Fair Division of Indivisible Goods: Recent Progress and Open Questions
Georgios Amanatidis, Haris Aziz, Georgios Birmpas, Aris Filos-Ratsikas, Bo Li, Hervé Moulin, Alexandros A. Voudouris and Xiaowei Wu*
Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), 322: 103965. 2023
Deterministic Near-Optimal Approximation Algorithms for Dynamic Set Cover
Sayan Bhattacharya, Monika Henzinger, Danupon Nanongkai, and Xiaowei Wu*
SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP). 52(5): 1132-1192. 2023
Near-Optimal Scheduling for Crowdsourced Transit System with Skip-Stop Tactic
Hanlin Li, Xiaowei Wu, Leong Hou U, and Kun Pang Kou
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). 35(11): 11668-11680. 2023
Approximate and Strategyproof Maximin Share Allocation of Chores with Ordinal Preferences
Haris Aziz, Bo Li, and Xiaowei Wu*
Mathematical Programming (MAPR). Accepted. 2022
Fully Online Matching
Zhiyi Huang, Ning Kang, Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu*, Yuhao Zhang, and Xue Zhu
Journal of the ACM (JACM), 67(3): 17:1-17:25. 2020
Online Vertex Weighted Bipartite Matching: Beating 1-1/e with Random Arrivals
Zhiyi Huang, Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu*, and Yuhao Zhang
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), 15(3), 38:1-38:15. 2019
Ranking on Arbitrary Graphs: Rematch via Continuous Linear Programming
T-H. Hubert Chan, Fei Chen, Xiaowei Wu*, and Zhichao Zhao
SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP), 47(4), 1529–1546. 2018
Analyzing Node-Weighted Oblivious Matching Problem via Continuous LP with Jump Discontinuity
T-H. Hubert Chan, Fei Chen, and Xiaowei Wu*
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), 14(2), 12:1–12:25. 2018
On (1,\epsilon)-Restricted Max-Min Fair Allocation Problem
T-H. Hubert Chan, Zhihao Gavin Tang, and Xiaowei Wu*
Algorithmica, 80(7), 2181–2200. 2018
On Minimal Steiner Maximum-Connected Subgraph Queries
Jiafeng Hu, Xiaowei Wu, Reynold Cheng, Siqiang Luo, and Yixiang Fang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 29(11): 2455-2469. 2017
(* Asterisks denote alphabetical order of authors (why?).)
Tree Splitting Based Rounding Scheme for Weighted Proportional Allocations with Subsidy
Xiaowei Wu* and Shengwei Zhou. In WINE 2024. (pdf)
Improved Competitive Ratio for Edge-Weighted Online Stochastic Matching
Guoliang Qiu, Yilong Feng, Shengwei Zhou and Xiaowei Wu. In WINE 2023. (pdf)
Prophet Inequality on I.I.D. Distributions: Beating 1-1/e with a Single Query
Bo Li, Xiaowei Wu* and Yutong Wu. In WINE 2023. (pdf)
One Quarter Each (on Average) Ensures Proportionality
Xiaowei Wu*, Cong Zhang and Shengwei Zhou. In WINE 2023. (pdf)
Weighted EF1 Allocations for Indivisible Chores
Xiaowei Wu*, Cong Zhang and Shengwei Zhou. In EC 2023. (pdf)
Multi-agent Online Scheduling: MMS Allocations for Indivisible Items
Shengwei Zhou, Rufan Bai and Xiaowei Wu. In ICML 2023. (pdf)
Approximation Algorithm for Computing Budget-Feasible EF1 Allocations
Jiarui Gan, Bo Li and Xiaowei Wu*. In AAMAS 2023. (pdf)
Multiagent MST Cover: Pleasing All Optimally via A Simple Voting Rule
Bo Li, Xiaowei Wu*, Chenyang Xu and Ruilong Zhang. In AAAI 2023. (pdf)
Approximately EFX Allocations for Indivisible Chores
Shengwei Zhou and Xiaowei Wu. In IJCAI 2022. (pdf)
Mixed Strategies for Security Games with General Defending Requirements
Rufan Bai, Haoxing Lin, Xinyu Yang, Xiaowei Wu, Minming Li and Weijia Jia. In IJCAI 2022. (pdf)
Almost (Weighted) Proportional Allocations for Indivisible Chores
Bo Li, Yingkai Li and Xiaowei Wu*. In WWW 2022. (pdf)
Budget-feasible Maximum Nash Social Welfare is Almost Envy-free
Xiaowei Wu, Bo Li and Jiarui Gan. In IJCAI 2021. (pdf)
Defending Against Contagious Attacks on a Network with Resource Reallocation
Rufan Bai, Haoxing Lin, Xinyu Yang, Xiaowei Wu, Minming Li and Weijia Jia. In AAAI 2021. (pdf)
Dynamic Set Cover: Improved Amortized and Worst-Case Update Times
Sayan Bhattacharya, Monika Henzinger, Danupon Nanongkai and Xiaowei Wu*. In SODA 2021. (pdf)
Fully Online Matching II: Beating Ranking and Water-filling
Zhiyi Huang, Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu* and Yuhao Zhang. In FOCS 2020. (pdf)
Towards a Better Understanding of Randomized Greedy Matching
Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu* and Yuhao Zhang. In STOC 2020. (pdf)
Defending with Shared Resources on a Network
Minming Li, Long Tran-Thanh and Xiaowei Wu*. In AAAI 2020. (pdf)
Tight Competitive Ratios of Classic Matching Algorithms in the Fully Online Model
Zhiyi Huang, Binghui Peng, Zhihao Gavin Tang, Runzhou Tao, Xiaowei Wu* and Yuhao Zhang. In SODA 2019. (pdf)
Online Vertex Weighted Bipartite Matching: Beating 1-1/e with Random Arrivals
Zhiyi Huang, Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu* and Yuhao Zhang. In ICALP 2018. (pdf)
How to Match when All Vertices Arrive Online
Zhiyi Huang, Ning Kang, Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu*, Yuhao Zhang and Xue Zhu. In STOC 2018. (pdf)
Beating Ratio 0.5 for Weighted Oblivious Matching Problems
Melika Abolhassani, T-H. Hubert Chan, Fei Chen, Hossein Esfandiari, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Hamid Mahini and Xiaowei Wu*. In ESA 2016. (pdf)
Ranking on Arbitrary Graphs: Rematch via Continuous LP with Monotone and Boundary Condition Constraints
T-H. Hubert Chan, Fei Chen, Xiaowei Wu* and Zhichao Zhao. In SODA 2014. (pdf)
Research Grant (PI only)
SRG2020-00020-IOTSC. Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Graph Problems on Dynamic Big Data. (2020.04 - 2022.12)
FDCT 0143/2020/A3. Approximation Algorithms for Fully Online Matching and Smart Ride Sharing. (2021.06 - 2024.06)
FDCT 0085/2022/A. Approximately Fair Allocations for Indivisible Chores. (2022.12 - 2025.12)
FDCT-NSFC 0014/2022/AFJ. Theory and Technologies of Data-Hiding-based Multimedia Security (2023.01 - 2026.01)
Research Group
PhD Students:
Shengwei Zhou (2021.08 - )
Cong Zhang (2022.08 - )
Yilong Feng (2023.08 - )
Haolong Li (2024.08 - )
Zehan Lin (2024.08 - )
Huahua Miao (2024.08 - )
Master Students:
Jiawei Qiu (2022.12 - )
Former Members
Graduated PhD Students:
Rufan Bai (2019.09 - 2023.07) First job: Assistant Professor at Southeast University
Graduated Master Students:
Haolong Li (2024) First Job: PhD student at the University of Macau
Kin Heng Cheang (2024) First job: Senior Technician at the Public Prosecutions Office of the Macao SAR
Yilong Feng (2023) First job: PhD student at the University of Macau
Tat Him Lei (2022) First job: Senior Technician at Public Security Forces Affairs Bureau of Macau
Xinyu Yang (2022) First job: Software Engineer at China Merchants Bank
Denghao Wu (2021) First job: Product Manager at Huawei
Research Assistants:
Zonghan Yang (2024.10 - 2025.02)
Zehan Lin (2024.03 - 2024.05)
Sijia Dai (2023.05 - 2023.08)
Huahua Miao (2023.05 - 2023.08)
Guoliang Qiu (2022.10 - 2023.02)
Ruilong Zhang (2022.05 - 2022.09)
Shengwei Zhou (2021.04 - 2021.07)
Haoxing Lin (2020.08 - 2021.07)
Graduated Undergraduate Students:
2024: Guohao Ou
2022: Chonghin Leung, Chanhong Kuok, Waitim Ip, Leongmeng Lei
2021: Sen Kuang, Manpo Cheang, Kaiwa Song
Last Modified: Feb 11, 2025