The Trouble about me


The sun is setting

we are at the beach

gazing the waves

drowning our thoughts

It seems so unreal

and then you smile

I feel so happy

but in my soul

it is still there

down in the hell

and I get drowned

into the pain into the flesh

of our pledges

Suddenly it's silent

and you are not there

and I am alone

drowning in the sea

feeling the alcohol

filling inside filling my soul

It is unreal it is a flower

evilly grown on shaky ground

It is unreal it is the sand

slipping off me

into the sea.

The femme fatale


A Gucci bag is hanging

like a fruit on a tree

a ring on her finger shines

like a star in the night

She smiles carelessly

and the world only admires

Oh I know you and have loved your eyes

They tell me everywhere

how you turn men so vile

how you twist their mind

They tell me everywhere

of a lonely man astray

he got lost in the desert today

A Dior bag is hanging

heavy like snow on branches

her lipstick gives the smile

in the warm summer time

of the half empting moon

Nobody told me in the desert

there's a house and a lady

of old age and no make up

in her room she hides a box

with a Gucci bag and a ring unpolished

They tell me everywhere

of a lonely dog astray

he's lost in the desert today.

The boxer


It started with jab

it landed on my chin

it hit then with a cross

and jab and uppercut

to finish me on the ground

He looked me with contempt

I was just another one

who landed on the floor

another number perhaps

for his gross mind

but there on the ground

my life lied unhelped

I was there alone

nobody for me to grieve

in solitude defeated

forever marked for life

This is the way it is

when autumn comes and leaves

fall down onto the ground

nobody is there in grief

if not to regret

the summer's past heath

And now on the ground

is not me it's you

it's your body and mind

it's just life itself

asking for one more count

asking for it to wait

it's not the match but a round

that's gone and hope

is still there around.



I have seen a man taking it

400 milligrams of it

drawn into crystal clear

liquid maybe vodka or else

he just looked so happy and

then he put more of it

gazing at a naked body

he said was just like and

loved the thrill of not knowing that

he may make it or just submit

to the evil poison dream

opening truths and lies

a bit like the way life is

just a bit like life is

when it drowns you with its past

liquidly dense fluidly

rushing through your brain

as if the veins were about to fail

and spray the universe and rain

come to all mankind and clean

all the lies all the wicked lies

I have seen a man taking it

it was morphine crystal clear

drown into a naked flesh

of dense liquidly fluid flesh

He loved just to look and think

life has drowned itself and death

plays strange games with his mind

until sun will rise again

and show it has just began

endless addiction and

a place where's no time.

Old Age


When I have seen you

with your old age

crawling on your weak back

I have thought of the time

long long time ago

when you used to lift ideas

and heavy thoughts

with the tender hand that

caresses my once child face.

The Dream


This is my dream

my only dream

buried by inhuman hand

when the sun raised still

it was buried deep indeed

and I diged and diged until

no one hoped for pleasure and will

found its end its only end and friend.



Fire fire burning flesh

burn my soul impure that rots

now and for time to me unknown

Burn it once and trice

and have the lonely sign engraved

onto my hearth and only grave.

The house in the woods


There is a house in the woods

many rooms empty and full

there is a house in the woods

where the dreams can be true

In the darkness I met

the tall giant in night dress

he was kind and drunk

but he knew how to dance

And we danced you and me

and we kissed to the edge

of the cliff dark and deep

for the giant it's just a leap

There is a house in the woods

where the fire heaths and cure

any past lost disease

at the table you can seat

and drink and drink and drink

'till the giants whisper and sip.

Minus twelve


When you are at minus twelve do you

think how cold it will ever be

when the old year is about to go

people swear to it and never see it again

It is cold indeed out there and

nobody is out on the streets

locked somewhere far and away

with a family and a child to laugh with

And it is minus twelve out there

another day is gone and it freezes

when you think about it out loud.

Darkness in me


The darkness fell on us

with its curtain heavy and dusty

once again it would not spare

just reminds us who commands

On the shoulders of the child

so beloved and cared he was

but the darkness pushed him down

and the laugh did turn in tears.

How to free the haunted minds

how to to bring your life to smile

if the darkness dwells around?

But the child keeps playing again

he just wants to play a game

with his mum and dad who raise

not their voices and shout and cry

but a gentle and tender hand

and embrace with love and trust

so to teach that darkness falls

but you'll never be alone.

The flame (in a summer night)


Wishful is sinful my desire

I dream of it today

I see your burning blade

running down my skin

and my flesh starts to burn

intense like butterflies

deep into myself

is not called love though

I swear it must be

Flaming in the summer night

it is not the heath of the body or

your lovely smile

the burning flame sharply speaks

the language of some secret love

and burns burns burns

for the gazing moon full delight.

The ghosts


There, shouting out aloud

I can hear you are gone.

They haunt me in my mind

they twist and squirm each time

while holding the goat's sign

the beast profanes our house

it's gone it's gone forever born

the child committed to the cross

he loved he loves but now he's lost.

They are shouting in my mind

reminds me every time

of days dusted and gone

still haunting me in my home.

What I am not


I am the beauty of everything I have ever lost

I am the flower drowned in a stormy day

I am the devil pleasing a perverted god

I am the seamen wasted into a sinful incest

I am the cross bleeding in a miracle night

I am the lost body seeking a rotten mind

Most of all, I am the ethereal nothing

like that moment when the woman spread her legs

and the stranger made her our beloved whore mother.

I am Moses


I drive a mini cab all night

my name is Moses and I drive

my skin is dark but from piss and blood

I came to here like any king

or peasant that nobody minds

I am from faraway living abroad

I know one day where I will be

like any man with a penthouse

or a big car with flashing plate

we'll hold hand and rot there down

the grave with worms and everyone

will forget us that's why we are men.

One day a kid will call me wise

he's just a kid what can he know

of life and good and appreciation

he is just as rot by wealth he owns

and he will burn just where he lives

in that old square once marsh and field

close where many are buried and dead

their name I can't recall maybe one's Blake

or maybe Bayes they are all the same

when you are there down to the grave.

At night


Just one more glass make it full

I crave for more during the night

dark like the soul which lives in me

I can't forget you are a man just like I am.

Valium I add Valium I love for it's my life

which is being wasted deep in its roots

but it is no loss for nothing we touch

panning for life into a sea

deeper and wider than I can see.

And it's a sip and it's the beauty

naked in front of your blue eyes

give me once more another drink

filling the vodka naked and clear

with some more valium pinkish and warm

just like your skin firm and unravished

just like the morning so far away.

The mother


I just know a few words

but I need even less

for nothing said will last

while you just gave me all

I just feel and live

but how could you hear

this world of mine still

sea and ocean wide

for any word and thought

will always ever fail

the blood you passed to me?



I have met you

in a bed of love

I have touched you

yet I felt alone.

And so I had

while people around

talked about Michelangelo

known your vanishing

subtle talking

discreetly concealing.

Winter is finally cold

unpleasantly so

as any remembrance

of long time ago.


A summer day of 2013

Ubriacati ed il tempo

come un vento andrà disperso,

come il mare che si annega

non darà più triste meta,

come il sole che si oscura

porterà, sì, gran paura

ma solo quando tu vedrai

del tuo calice la scolatura.


Paterno' was sitting on the bench. The usual bench he would sit and sleep on. He would not remember much. And, people would not remember much of him, but the usual shirt worn for days and months, never changed.

Paterno', don't you ever go and change your clothes? No, I only got this shirt. I do not remember having any other. I do not remember if I went back home to my wife and children last night. I do not remember where I slept last night. Paterno' is man of chance. Paterno' has only a friend, red like blood and like the vampire sucks my life, slowly. Slowly, like a lullaby blows a dizzy breeze deep into my soul, like a mother ever loving, yet not forgiving.

I have seen Paterno' often over there. There on that old bench dedicated to some illustrious man deceased long time ago, too long to be remembered. Yet, Paterno' can't even remember his yesterday. He is a man of another world. But, for this world, he is an alcoholic.

God's last day


And on the seventh day, there was the void. Deep black emptiness that drowns everything inside as a mother too jealous of her son. The darkness became darker within God. It was a coitus interrupted. How could God in the middle of his creation ask themselves for a rest? The only desire was the first sign of ungodliness: a human desire, so imperfect and natural that nature itself bounded itself with such standard. So God became nature, or just discovered to be such and as such started to love their creature not out of narcissistic enjoyment, but from the very feeling of lacking something and desiring it. God so perfect and omnipotent made a little concession to their weakness and by doing so, by discovering this weakness, they became now the light and now the void darkness. A single desire, a wish to rest doomed us all.

On a cold day


He felt the streets were busy

maybe it was just his head

might be a lunatic

or something similar.

He failed to love himself

he just was always sad

on those rainy days and wet

and no word ever said.

Hard the wind like waves

has crashed so many times

on ideas tough as rocks

to crumbled until was end.

End, end and once again

it finishes what it started

and never will begun

while walking back and forth.

Beeping and beeping

on the street screaming

a woman and begging

drugged she is sleeping.

Where is the mother cries

the son alone at home

his mother is always gone

and now he starts to mind.

It's time to go back home

through busy streets and cold

but the sun is shining bright

when the lunatic is gone.