- Enter roku link code to activate roku

Roku is one of the most popular streaming platforms that allows you to stream free and paid channels having excellent video-audio quality. Create a Roku account and go to to enter the activation code that is received on your tv display after successful connection with your smart tv. Roku activation code is a unique alphanumeric code which is used to activate and renew your roku subscription.

What is Roku Activation Code?

Roku Activation Code or Roku Link code is a set of 5 digit alphanumeric expressions that is used to activate roku device. You will get this Roku activation code; once after installing your Roku device, this shall pop up on your TV screen. Enter the code at and activate your roku device. Create your roku account and this shall complete the Roku device activation process.

Roku Link Device Setup

1. Firstly, Press the home button on the Roku remote and select your preferred language.

2. Connect the Roku link device to the internet connection.

3. Go to ‘Settings > Network > Wireless’ to connect your Roku device to your Wi-Fi or simply plug the Ethernet cable to connect to a wired network.

4. Wait for some time for the device to process and your Roku device will automatically update the system software and reboot.

5. After the device successfully reboots, you’ll be displayed the activation code on your TV screen.

Activate roku device using

Activate roku with the given steps for simple and easy procedure:

  1. Connect roku streaming device on TV port

  2. After that, your Roku device may download new software.

  3. Screen will display roku link code

  4. E.g. SW291 and note down the roku activation code.

  5. Open the web browser and type and simply click on activate roku button

  6. Login or create Roku Account

  7. Enter the noted roku link code which is displayed on the TV screen and click Submit.

  8. Stream roku free and paid channels as your roku device is activated.