- Office My Account -


Microsoft Office is a combination of various desktop productivity applications that have changed the way work is done. These ultimate applications are widely used among all the business users, home users, as well as educational institute users. For accessing all the features, you must have an Office account. For, follow the processes mentioned below.

What is

To have Microsoft products, you need to have Microsoft account. You can also manage product subscription, edit Microsoft office profile, and renew your products by using office myaccount.

How to create an Office Account?

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. After that, move to the login window of an Office application. For this, you have to type “” in the address bar and then, click the Enter key.
  3. Further, click the “Create one” link which is located below the empty field. This will redirect you to the office account creation window of Office.
  4. In the next field, you are required to provide the email address that you want to link with your Office account.
  5. However, if you want to link your phone number with the Office account, then, you have to tap the “Use a phone number instead” link. Next, provide a valid phone number that is in your access.
  6. Thereafter, to proceed further with the process by clicking the “Next” tab.
  7. In the next window, you are required to secure your account by creating a password. The password you create must contain a minimum of 8 characters along with one of each Uppercase letter, Lowercase letter, Number, and Special Character or Symbol.
  8. After typing the password, you can view the password too. For this, tick mark the “Show Password” checkbox and further check the password entered by you.
  9. Then, tap the “Next” button to move further with the process.
  10. The next step of the process is to verify your account. For this, you have to open the mail sent to you by Office on the registered email address. However, if you have linked your phone number, then you have to open the message that you have received.
  11. Now, come back to the account creation window. Here, you have to enter the code that you have received in the required field.
  12. Afterwards, you will get an option to receive the information, tips as well as offers about products and services. For this, you are required to tick mark the provided checkbox. However, you can also proceed further leaving the box unmarked.
  13. Thereafter, the Office wants you to read the “Privacy Statement” and “Microsoft Services Agreement” documents. For this, you have to click the provided links for accessing the documents. Then, read them carefully.
  14. Then, click the “Next” tab.
  15. Lastly, Office wants you to complete the captcha task to proceed further. So, you are required to provide the same characters that are appearing on your screen. After that, press the “Next” tab.

Procedure to login Office myaccount

  1. First and foremost, open a web browser on your computing device. For this, you have to click the icon of your desired web browser. Icon for the browser will be located either on the desktop or the system tray.
  2. After that, type in the address bar of your browser. Carefully enter the URL in the address bar and then, you have to press the Enter key.
  3. This will redirect you to the Office Account login window. In this window, you first have to provide the email address or phone number that is associated with the Office account.
  4. Then, click the “Next” tab to proceed further with the Office login procedure.
  5. Thereafter, you have to provide the password that you have created for the security of your account. Carefully enter the password in the required field.
  6. Once you are done with this, you have to click the “Sign In” tab. This will successfully complete the process and will redirect you to your account. Afterthat you can also setup your office product from .

Procedure to install

In order to complete the setup of the Microsoft office, you are required to install the office after the download procedure gets completed. Therefore, below is the process given to install office on windows and mac separately:

For Windows:

  1. Firstly, go to Microsoft accounts office page and then it will open a page with your office purchase.
  2. Then, you need to click “download”. It is an orange button located below your subscription’s name.
  3. Click “download” again to initiate the downloading procedure. Then, save it in the downloads folder.
  4. Now, you have to double click the office setup file.
  5. Click “Yes” and it will run the setup file to begin the installation on your computer.
  6. After this, wait for Microsoft Office to finish installing. It may take a few minutes.
  7. Click “Close” to finish the installation.
  8. Now, your Microsoft office has been installed on your computer. You can start using the program right away.

For Mac:

  1. Go to your Microsoft accounts office page and this will open a page with your office purchase.
  2. Then, you have to click “download”, it is an orange button located below your subscription’s name.
  3. Click “download” again and it will start downloading.
  4. Then, Open Finder. It is a blue, face-shaped app in your Mac’s dock.
  5. Now, click “Downloads Folder’’ which is situated on the left side of the finder’s window.
  6. After that, double-click the office setup file and the file will start running.
  7. Then, click “Continue” located in the bottom-right corner of the page.
  8. Again, click “continue”
  9. Read all the terms and conditions of Microsoft and click “Agree”.
  10. Now, in the bottom-right corner of the page, click “Continue”.
  11. After that, click “Install”.
  12. Enter your Mac’s password and make sure you type the same password that you use while login to your Mac.
  13. Click “Install software” located in the bottom-right corner of the password entry window. It will start installing Microsoft Office on your computer.
  14. Click “Close” to finish the office installation on your Mac.
  15. Your Microsoft program is successfully installed on your Mac.

Hence, above is the full guide to create a Microsoft account, log in and its setup procedure. Visit for further Help.