# Download Norton Setup @ Enter Norton Setup Product Key

Download Norton Setup from # Download Norton Setup @ Enter Norton Setup Product Key

Norton Setup is the best security platform in the market nowadays because other antiviruses leak your data about 60% and hack your device. Norton understands the need of its customers and therefore created a best service providing antivirus program that protects your device from damages and doesn't leak your personal details, download norton front and follow the steps to set it up on your device.

Guidelines for New Users to Download Norton

Here are the steps for new users to download Norton, read and implement the following steps carefully.

  1. Visit the homepage of Norton by browsing

  2. Head to My Account.

  3. Log-in straightly using the credentials of the Norton account.

  4. Go to Download.

  5. Press the tab of Download on this system.

  6. Downloading will begin after a few seconds.

  7. Norton is downloaded successfully.

Procedure to Successfully Install the Norton Antivirus

A complete procedure through which you can install norton setup file on your device is here, read and follow them:

  • To start with, reach the toolbar web screen.

  • You should check for the Norton antivirus button.

  • Twice click on it and start the extraction method.

  • Once you extract the file, select the setup file to initiate the installation.

  • Then you will see the terms and conditions screen.

  • You should select the 'Agree' option to verify the method.

  • Finally, pursue the rest of the instructions and wait to complete the process.

Guide to Activate Norton on your System

When you are all done with the installation process , then you need to activate Norton using Norton setup product key and a procedure for the same is given below:.

  1. Hit the “Start” button located on your device’s Taskbar.

  2. Press the “Search” bar and enter Norton antivirus into it.

  3. Next, hit the topmost option that matches the best to your search key.

  4. After getting the best match of your Norton, tap on it to expand the page.

  5. After that, go to My Account section and tap on it.

  6. Then, select your desired subscription option and finish the rest of the process.

  7. Enter the activation key into the relevant field.

  8. Finally, tap the submit tab and then verify it.