- Mcafee Antivirus Activation Keycode        

McAfee is a world-renowned online security service provider engaged in providing endpoint protection and advanced security solutions to protect your digital world. McAfee antivirus protects your data, apps and software from all sorts of viruses; it also ensures safe and secure web browsing, online transactions and more.  Visit and download mcafee antivirus to start getting benefits from it.

Download McAfee at 

Download mcafee with the given below steps for more smooth working:

1. Open your browser and visit

2. Go to the “McAfee my account” page to log in with McAfee account and click “McAfee log in.” 

3. If you are a new user then create a McAfee login account using the REGISTER button. 

Submit details with McAfee log in 

4. Now, choose the product and click on the DOWNLOAD option.

Install McAfee with mcafee activate code

If you have completed the McAfee download procedure from, then you can follow below steps to install McAfee with McAfee activation code:

1. Check downloaded McAfee antivirus installer file on your computer.

2. Double-click on it and click YES when it asks for a run installation.

3. Enter the McAfee activate code from activate card or registered email.

4. Click on the ACTIVATE button, finish the installation of McAfee anti-virus , and restart the device.

Steps to Activate McAfee

The activation of the product is relatively simple and doesn’t require much time. Here is what you should do to activate your McAfee product:

1. On your keyboard, kindly hit the Windows key to open the Start menu. 

2. Open installed mcafee antivirus application on your device.  

3. Enter your activation key if the program demands it. 

4. Then click Next.

5. Finally, click Activate Now to finish the process.