Baseball Tools for Coaches

I've been helping my sons advance through their baseball days ever since they could throw a ball. Our love of baseball and more importantly the joy of our time together is something we will have for many years to come.

Others have helped me to be a better volunteer coach. I've learned a lot from other volunteer coaches - Tips that work, and tips that do not. I've always been one to share and help others whenever I can. This site is here to share a few tools I created along our journey.

It's been years now since I launched this. I still get occasional emails and I do my best to support this. It's 2022. I have no idea how many people I have helped. Play ball, have fun and enjoy the game!

TOOL #1: Wristband Play Card / Wristcoach

My son recently graduated from Little League and has joined the ranks of the Babe Ruth League. We are now transitioning to full rules, BBCOR bats, adult sized players, and all that comes with the "big diamond".

We have been watching college baseball and noticed the catchers playing with a wristband code system. I realized how effective that would be for not just calling pitches but also picks, defense and other key calls.

After the game I googled to find an excel template and came up short. What's a resourceful volunteer coach to do? Create my own of course! I spent several days tweaking and programming a spreadsheet that could be used this spring for our Babe Ruth team. The final product is here for others to use.

Catcher wears a wristband that can accept a play card. I ordered one from Amazon.

Martin Sports Football Quarterback Wrist-Coach Store Plays-White & Black Avail.

You can setup a card for each pitcher. The initials should match on the player and coach cards. Make sure you keep them matched between changes. I set up the file to print two cards in case another player needs to wear one.

Coach can cross off the codes they use. It also includes the key for reference.

Coach can signal each play using one hand and the catcher takes it from there.

Spreadsheet can be used for up to 10 plays (I recently added a version for 25), six pitchers and a max of 75 of one type of play.

Only make changes in the yellow cells.

I created the spreadsheet in Excel 2000. It should be compatible with newer versions.

Posting it here for others to use a no cost. Download the file here: WristPlayCard.xls

I'll post other info if I get good feedback from this site.

Update: I received a few requests to add more options for codes. I reprogrammed the sheet and doubled the number of signals from 10 to 20 in 2017. Another request for more and now the sheet has up to 25 in 2018. Updated file is here: WristPlayCard-Jumbo2022.xls

Any donations would be appreciated. I can be reached at



1/23/2022 Update: The jumbo sheet had a bug if you used all 25 signs. Fixed and uploaded WristPlayCard-Jumbo2022.xls.

3/30/16 Update: I have received some feedback from others with questions on how to use the file. You have to enable macros in Excel. To scramble each tab you run the macro in the instructions.

10/30/17 Update: New file loaded that doubles the codes from 10 to 20. Files includes a button to run the macro.

9/6/18 Update: New file loaded that adds five more codes from 20 to 25.

TOOL #2: Printable scoresheet

Second tool being added is the printable scoresheet for baseball/softball where substitutions are used. In little league every kid bats and the book you get as a coach usually has enough slots for all 12-13 players. The score is kept in continous batting order with unlimited substitutions. Easy to score and track. When you move up to the big diamond, the rules change and the scoring gets more complicated. In most cases you will have 10 starters (with extra hitter) and strict substituion rules. I created a custom score sheet using Excel, that I can use to track the substitutions, tally the individual player stats, track the key pitching stats and keep the necessary inning totals. It's perfect for games that fall under high school baseball rules (NFHS baseball rules). The best way to print out is double sided (one side for each team). The link to the pdf file is down below. Free baseball scoresheet download. No strings attached.

Keep track of the starters and note position changes in the "POS" row.

Enter subs below each starter. I also draw a vertical line in the inning a sub came in. Note any defensive moves.

You can tally all the totals at the end of the game.

Download the file here: highschoolscorecard