
Finance Technician     Alfredo Diaz   x2520   Room 301   

General Information

1. The Finance Office does not cash personal checks.

2. The Finance Office does not sell stamps.

3. Teachers may not make personal long-distance telephone calls on school phones.

4. Teachers must follow the proper guidelines for the payment or non-payment of sales taxes.

5. Teachers must submit technology purchase requests to the School-Based Technology Specialist for consideration and review. Instructional tech purchases are processed by the SBTS, including but not limited to: premium school subscriptions and individual teacher licenses. All technology tools are evaluated annually in regard to security, usage, cost effectiveness, academic impact, and instructional goal alignment. Please send instructional tech inquiries to the SBTS, Melinda Hedenberg,

6. Teachers and sponsors must have any fundraising activity approved by the Student Activities Office using the Fundraiser Request Form prior to the commencement of the activity. Any money collected must be deposited within 24 hours with the expectation to report the profit/loss from the activity.  If purchases need to be made, fill out a PO in advance. Send approval request to Assistant Director of Student Activities - Annie Corbelli 

7. Employees are prohibited from using the buying service of school activity funds for personal purchases.

8. Orders or field trips totaling over $5,000 require you to acquire bids. Orders may not be split to circumvent the thresholds. See regulation 5012.3 for more information.

Telephone Bid Sheet - for orders of $5,000 - $9,999

This form is used to get the three verbal bids that are required.   SS/DIV-17

Request for Quotation - for orders of $10,000 or above but below $50,000.

This form is used to get the four written bids that are required. It should be filled out and given to each vendor that you are requesting a bid from so you will receive like bids.SS/S-DIV-16   

School Finance Handbook 3-18-2022.pdf